posted ago by Rabian71 ago by Rabian71 +27 / -2

Think about what a perfect presidency he had despite the most horrendous treatment of a president. I think we watched the deep state play out all their corruption, in an exaggerated way to show the people, to scare us into what WILL be if we don’t wake the fuck up

I think the election fraud was exaggerated to show us. Biden’s EOs are to show us he’s compromised. The Biden impeachment WILL pass the house ((watch!) and then all his crimes and Hunters crimes will play out in the senate for everyone to see. Then after declass, the indictments will come, and the sheep will learn about all those crimes. This is how the sheep get woken!!! All their crimes will play out in front of the country.

The reason NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING is because whats coming has ALREADY happened. We re just watching a movie about it. And like Lin Woods says- Every Lie will be revealed. They’re being revealed to use through this movie. It’s going to take a little time. But watch as everything unfolds