I understand why everyone keeps grasping at the idea that none of it is real. The idea that Biden REALLY is POTUS-46 is a bit unnerving. It simply isn't possible that this is all a show. Let's go beyond the fact it would require several hundred vain lunatics including members of the MSM and Hollywood to keep it all a secret. Let's talk about what Q has posted.
Q-4381 "The ONLY thing that matters to them is regaining power."
TL;DR There are military protocols in place that guide them on what to do if the US is infiltrated by a foreign power. IE a Manchurian candidate gets elected. The idea is simple... they were cheating during elections. So Q/Russia etc used cyber techniques to prevent the cheating in 2016. That allowed Trump to win a free and fair election. That then gave the military 4 years of control to plan and prep for the next stage. Notice how Trump constantly talks about restoring the military, and every bill he signed was all done because it gave the military money. See 4381. The reaction of the cabal is predictable. They will desperately seek to regain power. In 2018 and 2020 they would be ready for the cyber counter measures used in 2016.
"ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED." Q says this 14 times. Search for it and read those posts. In particular read Q-4003, Q-4125, Q-4152 hell almost all of them. "[D] party death spiral." "a full-scale insurgency attack" Its not about Q deploying assets. He's talking about the fact that the cabal is in an all out effort to regain power. What is it Sun Tzu says??? Never stop an enemy when he's in the middle of defeating himself. The cabal's desperate efforts to oust Trump has red pilled more people that the entire Q effort times two. Maybe times five. These people now seem like lunatics. MSM lies are on display for all to see. Its at a point in the past few months with the election fraud and Biden's memory issues that its just blatantly obvious. Its become a joke. That's the whole point.
I'll lay this out in military terms because the military staged this op. Trump's platoon is out front. He was told defend the line. He put up a hell of fight. That's what he does. We all know he won, but the cabal CHEATED. They pulled out all the stops and overran Trump. At the last second Trump was told its over... no need to die... retreat. Trump went silent, and fell back as fast as he could. The cabal rushed forward... WE'VE WON! Orange man bad is defeated. Yeah, they just rushed headlong into a giant kill box, Battle of the Bulge style.
You know they have evidence to prove all the cheating, and corruption, and pedophilia, and on and on... why haven't we seen any of it. Why haven't we seen arrests. Two theories. A - the cabal has a fail safe insurance plan... nukes, chem weapons, dirty bombs, etc. I'm sure that has already been dealt with. B - They want this to be all or nothing because its an insurgency. If you only round up 1/3rd or 1/2 of the bad guys then you just start all over again. They have to get 90% or more of them in a short period to utterly break the back of the enemy. So they allowed them to expose themselves with their all hands on deck efforts to oust Trump. They held fire until they can see the whites of their eyes. Until the entire enemy force is fully inside the kill box.
So the cabal have power now. The steal is complete. Why wait 10 days??? Simple. They needed the show in DC with the 20k NG troops to prevent riots etc. But now they need those NG troops out of the way. They need everything to go back to normal. So they are waiting for the draw down. In a few days when their is only 3...4...6k of them left maybe even less the military will make its move. They will spring the trap using regular non NG troops. They need the NG gone because if there is enough of them there and somehow someone gives them an order to fight it could turn into a friendly fire nightmare. Its better if they are out of the way. Truth is them moving in and out of town will provide regular troops easy access. At least some of them can just sneak in unnoticed.
This is all a movie. Its all a show, but the show isn't for YOU... the show is for THEM. "think mirror" They think they've won. They believe they have power.(see below about the real power of POTUS) They aren't celebrating because it seems like a hollow victory. The hair on their arms is standing up. It doesn't feel like its over... because its not. The Pentagon is giving them the cold shoulder. Why? Because all they have to do is hold out for a week or so then spring the trap. These lunatics are too busy looking at artwork in the capital rotunda to realize they should send Kamala to the Pentagon and she should demand answers in person. They keep sending soy boy lackeys who just get shown the door. By the time they send someone with some balls(like Kamala) and/or "real authority" its already too late. Nothing can stop the trap from springing closed. They are already inside the kill box. NCSWIC.
Understand??? Trump is no longer POTUS. Biden really is POTUS. That's the real Whitehouse. They aren't all under arrest, YET. None of it is fake. It can't be fake. If it is fake the military couldn't and wouldn't do anything about it. You can't arrest people for a fake theft. You can't arrest people for a fake government takeover.
Everyone needs to understand a simple truth. POTUS only has power because he is the commander in chief of the US Military. If the US Military has been purged of traitors within its ranks and has the evidence to prove Biden and crew are pretenders to the throne... that they are would be tyrants and communists dictators. Traitors literally. Then the truth is Biden has about as much power as your average big city mayor or police chief. He's nothing. The Pentagon will step on him like the bug he is. "PATRIOTS IN CONTROL."
What should we do? I'm waiting until February 1st and then re-evaluating. Nothing we have seen changes the basic equation. The USA isn't lost or destroyed. Waiting a few more weeks won't be the end of everything. These people at some point HAVE the face 50+ million gun owning US patriots. So quit spiraling and dooming or making up tall tails about everyone being arrested. Let it play out and keep your eyes open. We are in the eye of the storm. The other side will hit soon.
The movie isn't for our consumption. The movie is for the cabal's viewing pleasure. They think they are in charge. They think they have wrestled back control via fraud, lies, and maybe even murder. Its all a show but they are the stars of the show. Think of it like a grift, a con job.
You want evidence? Why is the Pentagon not cooperating if they are the ones in charge of the movie. They aren't even in charge of the movie. They are just allowing it to play out. They hold all the power, and they will wield that power when the time is right.
I'l come at it from the other side. Everyone says its all fake. Why? Why use a set from a movie company? Why stage a fake inauguration? Why arrest everyone then have then act out a movie? What's the purpose? There is no purpose. It makes no sense.
If these people were all under arrest then its over. Bring out all the evidence and just show everyone how evil they are. We know they have tons of evidence. Hell half of it is in the open now. It serves no purpose to attempt what you are talking about. Beyond that what you are talking about would require prisoners to cooperate for what? So they will be less dead when they are hung for treason? They get a better fire-pit in hell? Its just makes no sense. Remember! NO DEALS!
I'm not saying I have a 100% chance of being right, I could be wrong, but I am saying the scenarios I've seen posted a half dozen times about fake oval office sets etc and two different inaugurations spliced together are far more likely false than not.
That is certainly another perspective worth considering.
In the end, we are all just speculating here and will learn the truth along with everyone else when everything finally is revealed.
This is gonna make one helluva book.
Hmm. I see it differently. To me the false inauguration makes a lot of sense. Allowing it to play out as a show for the bad guys has them playing their final cards, i.e., here's your payout / here are the released hostages / here are our next instructions from the bad guys to their new assets. All of those things are potentially very useful and important.
And the evidence is all there, certainly plausible even if not definitive (esp the reports of early viewings). Blocking unwanted views is the best explanation of the otherwise-puzzling structure in front of the white house. And the saturation-level NG staffing, and the local cell-phone jamming all come in handy for that reason as well. And it certainly matches Q as well, with the bird singing, the castle rock, and the popcorn. I think the NG and extensive checkpoints are perfect covers for arrests of a significant number of mid-level swampers as well.
I agree that "the military takes over" is too vague. Clearly someone is president: the military thankfully values civilian rule, and all friendly parties want to keep the constitution. I think it's Pompeo as next in line if you assume that the law allows them to skip over Senate and House leaders due to indictments. But keeping up the act does offer value, at least potentially. I personally think it's to run down the clock on the commie backup plan of little green men (like in Crimea) and msm-fueled sjw riots on hyperactive to create chaos. Chaos produces many benefits to the enemy, and potentially allows them to swipe Korea or re-attempt a dirty bomb. I could be wrong as well, but I think the evidence and the Q clues point to a fake inauguration, and we're watching the wind-down of the media side of the war.
I figured out the way to express what's happening better. This is Schrödinger's Presidency. Its fake yet real at the same time. Until Biden truly tries to use his power in some meaningful way (open the box) we can't know for sure if its real or not. What he's done so far has been all that big of a deal. The military and others might just be allowing it to play out for a while... 10 days of darkness and all that.
I have one comment... can we really count on that 50+ million gun-owning patriots to actually do anything? I live in a very red state, all my friends are rabid Trump supporters, they all own guns. But when I ask them what it'd take for them to watch my six and actually get out and go, they all have excuses: family, jobs, etc. They still haven't felt enough pain to wake them up to what would need to be done. Lastly, organizing is tough. How do you organize 50+ million people if EVERYTHING is monitored by the feds? Lone gunmen will be picked off easily, it'd have to be a massive force that wasn't expected. That's a very difficult thing to organize. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
I've commented about this before. The issue is they aren't uncomfortable enough. They still have something to lose. These lunatics start passing laws like giving 10+ million illegals citizenship? Raising taxes to crazy levels like 70% to pay for their crazy liberal pet projects or worse to give it all away to other people and other nations? Adding 2-4 Justices to SCOTUS? Repealing the 2nd amendment and coming to take your guns?
Trust me they start doing crap like that it won't be long at all and organizing won't be the problem. Holding back the giant mob that is literally 10 million strong will be the problem. You think you've seen a shit-show on TV in some third world country. You wait till hundreds of thousands of 20-40 year old mean with ARs and hundreds of rounds each descend on DC. I've checked. Every police officer in DC is around 9k. Throw in another 10k for the surrounding cities and say 5k for feds like the FBI headquarters.
You seriously think 25-30k men with what 30-40 light armored vehicles like Bearcats are going to stop hundreds of thousands of vets and weekend warriors. And that's just the first wave in the first 6-12 hours. There is half as many again behind those that will show up the next day IF it lasts that long. And then half again more the next day and the next and the next.
There is only one way to stop that mob once it gets going. Belt fed machine guns and artillery and/or air strikes. The moment you fire one round like that just ONE its already over. I'm talking even a simple 81mm mortar. You start massacring civilians with military weapons and it won't be a few hundred thousand it will be ALL of them. That level of uncomfortably of knowing they have EVERYTHING to lose will shoot to 10,000. Their government is literally willing to massacre them wholesale. Total genocide.
If they do that they might kill even millions but they can never ever ever win that battle. There would be no supply lines. There would be no ammo coming from a factory, no jet fuel, no food, no anything. Once whatever they have on hand and inside there base runs out that's it... they are just men with rifles/knives shooting it out with a force 5 times their size. And they just slaughtered 5 million of their friends. GL with that.
None of this even accounts for the fact that half the military would either defect and take their gear with them or shoot their officers who are ordering them to fire on civilians etc etc. It assumes they are all mindless robots. Its an entirely unwinnable fight.
But if you don't use military weapons you are fighting 10 v 1... 30k vs 300k man to man, street to street. See the problem? They can't win either way. Well okay if they break out nerve gas and nukes maybe but then they would be kings of a pile of rubble.
Think of it like this. You and those people you know look at the TV and see a report of evil white supremacists who dared to try to keep their guns when 100 FBI showed up to take them. You know you're next. And they will probibly take you to jail just for owning the gun... that's what happened to a different group that surrendered. And you know just like you they weren't really racists.
Nothing causes a group to come together faster than a threat. At some point those FBI agents are going to show up 200 strong to arrest 10 guys and 2,000 people are going to slaughter them like sheep. Bullets will come out of every bush, every house. Everyone will be waiting for them to show up. It is inevitable. I'm not calling for violence. I don't want it to happen. I'm telling you in a nation this big you start rounding up people and hauling them off in rail cars it won't take long and they will mass up and fight back. They will outnumber you and we are back to the military option above.
This has already happened. Funny how I search YT and I can't find any of the full videos. Its all been scrubbed. This is a distorted version obviously, but look around you can find video.
The BLM had no shit 50-100 heavily armed men in full tactical gear. They backed off. They ran the hell away. Why? Cause several hundred people were going to light their asses up, and they knew the moment they fired one shot hundreds more would join the fight. Sure they tried half-assed charges latter and most of it failed horribly.
Now magnify this by ten thousand when they pass that citizenship bill or pick your wacky leftist lunatic agenda. When they take it too far... people will lose their damn minds. Once it starts its hard to stop... How about this scenario? You look at the TV and they are arresting Trump and half of his family on a bunch of bullshit charges. You know they will brag about it and put it on every channel they can.
What is the saying... they aren't after Trump... they are after us, Trump is just in the way. In other words YOU are next. I don't know about you but I'm getting a weapon and its time to fight. Come what may. I won't be the only one. See what I mean. Once it starts its hard to stop.
If the threat of 2A wasn't real they wouldn't try so hard to take it away and more importantly they wouldn't give two rats asses about optics or any of this BS. We wouldn't even have elections. It would be like Venezuela. They would run us over in the streets. The only reason Venezuela even pays lip service to playing nice is because they fear US intervention. Look at China. No fucks given. They harvest peoples organs. Why? Cause they have nukes. MAD prevent us from doing much about it.
Here in the USA these lunatics in charge play a VERY careful dance and go to a TON of trouble to keep us happy and asleep because if they ever piss us off they know we have the power to wipe them out and it won't be pretty. Why even have a mockingbird media? If they are in charge and we are helpless sheep the military will just wipe us out why do they spend all their time lying to us?
Because the only thing they are really in charge of is that lunatic asylum they call DC. Notice where the riots were... in THEIR areas of control. Even here in Atlanta where I'm at that shit got shut down. Why? Because they knew if they let it get out of control people would take care of that shit themselves and it wouldn't be pretty.
At some point when they squeeze that rock too hard they will have to face We The People. Its inevitable. Up until now its been at the ballot box. They just burned that bridge, TWICE(POTUS & GA Senate runoff). Now what?
That's the first response I've read on the subject that makes sense, thanks for the writeup. You bring up valid points, let's hope we never get to any of them.