"From a scientific perspective, though, the reflectivity of the D region at these frequencies make ELF/VLF a unique tool for remote sensing of the D region, which responds to a variety of inputs like solar activity, lightning energy, electron precipitation from the radiation belts, cosmic gamma-rays, and earthquakes."
Lol no not the safest. When your COB causes flooding cause he didn't rig for dive, or the shitty ELTs add chemicals to the wrong SG. Or stupid SDO accidentally floods missile comp tank in port, or if you have three radioactive spills in one ORSE. Lol not safe.
VLF frequencies are from 3hz to 30hz. Which includes the "Schumann resonances" aka the Earth's resonant frequency. It's believed Nikola Tesla used these frequencies to produce unlimited wireless electricity via the ionosphere and a "ground" wire. As far as I know, VLF typically isn't used for communications because there's too much "noise" from the Earth, I found a scholarly article proposing ELF for submarine, but they said 45+hz which would be outside the range of VLF/Schumann.
A potential "conspiracy theory" would be the US Gov stole most of Tesla's belongings from his NY apartment when he died. Some were returned and put in a museum in Serbia, but if anything pertaining to Wardenclyffe or his particle beam weapon were there, I can assure you they kept it. The gov did release some of the documents they took under the disclosures some years back, but most were heavily redacted and pretty much useless. There's been many conspiracies surrounding HAARP in that it was built to replicate the technology.. Obviously, I can't confirm any of this. Although, if I were to build upon the idea, I would say that a potential need for a secret unlimited wireless electricity would be to power hundreds of thousands of remote devices like androids or drones. A simple capacitor circuit and resonant receiver could power literally anything.
And the research for the government was done by President Trumps uncle. It’s rumored that 2 keys to the system was intentionally deleted and kept in the Trump family. Plenty of hypothetically stories out there. Trust me it is spooky the “coincidences”
VLF-radio monitoring VLF-radio method designed to detect electromagnetic pulse (EMP), which occur in the atmosphere and outer space as a result of strong electrical discharges, that can be caused due to nuclear explosions, storm activity and other geophysical phenomena.
They usually just send a short code and come to periscope depth to get intel from satellite downlinks. Didn’t you ever read “The Hunt for Red October?” :)
In the book they say “ELF TRANSMISSION G INDICATES OPS DIRECTIVE READY FOR YOU.” Then when the directive is ready they use the 500KW ELF station to send a “G”. Then the sub comes to periscope depth and receives the coded directive to do whatever they need to. This is so the sub is not hanging around at periscope depth and can continue with a normal patrol. It’s like an electronic tap on the shoulder.
I was involved with secure communications while I was in the service. I worked with this technology. Tom Clancy watered down capabilities a lot. The actual transmission rate during the 80's was about 8 bits/second. There are techniques to substantially increase this rate.
Deep earthquakes emit VLF and there are thousands of deep quakes every day. Depending on where this was taken from there was a M7 deep quake very recently. Probably would make the chart jump real high.
Everywhere you look,ocean access waterways seem far more patrolled.Dont personally know what the norm. would be.Also periodically you see planes converge on a search area.Seems an increase in submarine communication.
The question I have is, is this related to the "nanoparticles" found in the COVID test, although only one video of it so far, or do the VLF interfere with our own natural frequencies, resulting in a degenerative effect on our systems?
not many of us are RadioFags, what does this mean?
I have a Radiofag license and idk what this means
Appreciate the feedback, no pun intended.......
Roger that
I'm asking as well...I assume events would have made their way into the news by now.
Could be submarine comms.
Cool, except none of us knows what the fuck this means!
Where are you seeing that data? Do you have a VLF receiver, or are you monitoring a station remotely?
I go onto N4VLF and it graphs some of the larger stations like NAA (the big one for Atlantic subs) and I'm not seeing anything like that spike.
Can you explain the relevance?
"From a scientific perspective, though, the reflectivity of the D region at these frequencies make ELF/VLF a unique tool for remote sensing of the D region, which responds to a variety of inputs like solar activity, lightning energy, electron precipitation from the radiation belts, cosmic gamma-rays, and earthquakes."
This could be literally anything
Just like Trump to start communicating via Solar Flares ....
Space weather is fairly calm for CMEs right now, but neutron storm is underway...
Fun website for spaceweatherfags https://www.spaceweather.com/
Not sure if that'd account for VLF though, might be good to check for quake activity.
ELF antennas are massive, as in miles. no joe schmoe would have one for personal use...
Trump's on a nuclear sub. Safest place on earth.
Watch the water.
Lol no not the safest. When your COB causes flooding cause he didn't rig for dive, or the shitty ELTs add chemicals to the wrong SG. Or stupid SDO accidentally floods missile comp tank in port, or if you have three radioactive spills in one ORSE. Lol not safe.
?This guy nucs
I mean, no joke; Q did say "watch the water", did he not???
I see a lot of anons quoting that often, so.....
LMAO.......who knows!
What is scope, area of coverage? US, NA, Global? Does this indicate significant increase in military communications, operations underway?
VLF frequencies are from 3hz to 30hz. Which includes the "Schumann resonances" aka the Earth's resonant frequency. It's believed Nikola Tesla used these frequencies to produce unlimited wireless electricity via the ionosphere and a "ground" wire. As far as I know, VLF typically isn't used for communications because there's too much "noise" from the Earth, I found a scholarly article proposing ELF for submarine, but they said 45+hz which would be outside the range of VLF/Schumann.
A potential "conspiracy theory" would be the US Gov stole most of Tesla's belongings from his NY apartment when he died. Some were returned and put in a museum in Serbia, but if anything pertaining to Wardenclyffe or his particle beam weapon were there, I can assure you they kept it. The gov did release some of the documents they took under the disclosures some years back, but most were heavily redacted and pretty much useless. There's been many conspiracies surrounding HAARP in that it was built to replicate the technology.. Obviously, I can't confirm any of this. Although, if I were to build upon the idea, I would say that a potential need for a secret unlimited wireless electricity would be to power hundreds of thousands of remote devices like androids or drones. A simple capacitor circuit and resonant receiver could power literally anything.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardenclyffe_Tower https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program
And the research for the government was done by President Trumps uncle. It’s rumored that 2 keys to the system was intentionally deleted and kept in the Trump family. Plenty of hypothetically stories out there. Trust me it is spooky the “coincidences”
Thanks pede, solid explanation.
Many Tesla documentaries touch on the subject, along with his 'earthquake machine'!
Depends on design. Physical size is not always indicative of electronic length. Antenna design has come a long way.
The main purpose of spread spectrum is to hide the signal within the noise.
VLF-radio monitoring / Monitoring
Search domain gcsk.gov.ua/en/vlf-radio-monitoring.htmlhttps://gcsk.gov.ua/en/vlf-radio-monitoring.html
VLF-radio monitoring VLF-radio method designed to detect electromagnetic pulse (EMP), which occur in the atmosphere and outer space as a result of strong electrical discharges, that can be caused due to nuclear explosions, storm activity and other geophysical phenomena.
So basically, something is happening or something happened?
The data rate for VLF traffic is painfully slow.
They usually just send a short code and come to periscope depth to get intel from satellite downlinks. Didn’t you ever read “The Hunt for Red October?” :)
Yes, set in a day where Wordstar is cutting edge. However, the motivation for various world powers is its silent drive.
Ha ha, you read it too.
Yeah, it’s a bit dated.
In the book they say “ELF TRANSMISSION G INDICATES OPS DIRECTIVE READY FOR YOU.” Then when the directive is ready they use the 500KW ELF station to send a “G”. Then the sub comes to periscope depth and receives the coded directive to do whatever they need to. This is so the sub is not hanging around at periscope depth and can continue with a normal patrol. It’s like an electronic tap on the shoulder.
I was involved with secure communications while I was in the service. I worked with this technology. Tom Clancy watered down capabilities a lot. The actual transmission rate during the 80's was about 8 bits/second. There are techniques to substantially increase this rate.
That's what I'm thinking.
Q post 588: Chatter just SPIKED. https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoc5fK0/q-587591-1222018-chatter-just-sp/c/
4 booms?
Deep earthquakes emit VLF and there are thousands of deep quakes every day. Depending on where this was taken from there was a M7 deep quake very recently. Probably would make the chart jump real high.
Or.....or.....or.... A DUMB....Deep Underground Military Base was bunker bombed!?!?
What’s it mean? Low frequencies..?
Very low
Do they still use the elf?
Only thing I saw about VLF is related to military communication - is this what you're referring to OP?
Electric Rain. CCP? Are they striking?
What do these spikes mean?
"Lots of chatter right now"
Aliens are coming to save the republic?
Aliens are leaving because were f*ed.
P.s. Just joking. We aren't f*ed. The best is yet to come. Have faith.
Everywhere you look,ocean access waterways seem far more patrolled.Dont personally know what the norm. would be.Also periodically you see planes converge on a search area.Seems an increase in submarine communication.
The question I have is, is this related to the "nanoparticles" found in the COVID test, although only one video of it so far, or do the VLF interfere with our own natural frequencies, resulting in a degenerative effect on our systems?
How is everyone feeling today?
What is the time scale of that chart? Can you make it longer? Maybe this is just daytime vs night for example...
Watch Monkey and maybe put 1 & 1 together?