Don't you see, it's all part of the Rothschild conspiracy. Everything. Everyone. Even the food people!!!!
But seriously, this was a troll who posted this childish markup with zero evidence but labeled "Not a Conspiracy Theory", to see if he could make people look stupid.
They have Team Troll to updoot it, so I have to presume that most of the people who did so are, in fact, on Team Troll. If you are not, and you did updoot this, step away from the computer NOW. Because you will fall for ANYTHING at this point.
They obviously fear the information that Q drops, and more importantly, the ending that these "drops" presage.
And they'll Find Out. But don't let them make you look like an idiot in the meanwhile.
Benjy who just died (or was wacked by patriots) ... owned all this lot....
His father who died in late 90s owned the front mansion on the lake with the phallic symbol in the garden.... cos it pays to have satantic pagan symbols in your front yard.... Benjy has the other palace back from the lake... and check out the neighbors....
lean over the garden fence and give Tedros a holla to start a pandemic perhaps ?
now who donated or sold all the land for the UN facilities ? Fancy to hazard a guess ? The world royal family and their world govt much ?
Benjy is one arm..... David Rene and son Alexandre in Paris are the other..... they took over all the operations from the British..... Evelyn is the big honcho now 89.... but wifey just fired this up with Popey pope myster and a bunch of NWO CEO clowns....
Uhhhh... I'm obviously down for conspiracy theories, but this looks compellingly like someone's kid just learned how to use Markup on their iPhone.
And you look like a handshake troll.
yeah cos it always pays to critize on impressions rather than take a look at the info.....
Info?!? ???
Give it up.
Get a new handshake.
Tell your boss this troll was a flop; go back to the scribbling board.
whose the troll now ?
"The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."
Go run off and use your handshake on yourself, creep.
yeah there's no UN in Geneva... no WHO in Geneva and no Rothschild empire run outta Geneva... was just winding you up...
take a look on google maps....
Cern is also in the neighborhood
Wrong.. You need to zoom in closer...
The Restaurant La Fontaine has Dine-in suggesting no covid restrictions there by the Chateau De Pregny , Rothschild's Estate. Very Interesting.
Where is this located?
WOW! :0
Shaddup, Team Troll.
What is the significance of the food place?
Don't you see, it's all part of the Rothschild conspiracy. Everything. Everyone. Even the food people!!!!
But seriously, this was a troll who posted this childish markup with zero evidence but labeled "Not a Conspiracy Theory", to see if he could make people look stupid.
They have Team Troll to updoot it, so I have to presume that most of the people who did so are, in fact, on Team Troll. If you are not, and you did updoot this, step away from the computer NOW. Because you will fall for ANYTHING at this point.
They obviously fear the information that Q drops, and more importantly, the ending that these "drops" presage.
And they'll Find Out. But don't let them make you look like an idiot in the meanwhile.
why not cross check the info.... Rothschild estate... they own it... neighbors to the whole UN....
oh yeah you can zoom in on maps..... the canteen at the UN is called the Serpent Pasta bar... get on google maps and check it out.....
The Restaurant La Fontaine has Dine-in suggesting no covid restrictions there by the Chateau De Pregny , Rothschild's Estate. Very Interesting.
Looky what we have here.....
Benjy who just died (or was wacked by patriots) ... owned all this lot....
His father who died in late 90s owned the front mansion on the lake with the phallic symbol in the garden.... cos it pays to have satantic pagan symbols in your front yard.... Benjy has the other palace back from the lake... and check out the neighbors....
lean over the garden fence and give Tedros a holla to start a pandemic perhaps ?
now who donated or sold all the land for the UN facilities ? Fancy to hazard a guess ? The world royal family and their world govt much ?
Benjy is one arm..... David Rene and son Alexandre in Paris are the other..... they took over all the operations from the British..... Evelyn is the big honcho now 89.... but wifey just fired this up with Popey pope myster and a bunch of NWO CEO clowns....
Jacob and son Nathan in the UK seem to be more figure heads.... and most of the young ens are eco socialite losers.....
Ever wondered why all the wars end in Geneva....
Ever wondered why a tiny back water town that actually has little pop. and little importance to the Swiss nation is such a hub of global deal making ?
Realize the Roths always had a big presence in Paris and so prefered french switzerland to german part....
btw. Benjy's wife was running the show in Geneva ... i guess she still is.... hope Tedros likes lake fish......