We were all in agreeance that 25,000 troops was an insane amount. I had a post last week breaking it down just how many that is.
Now, the news is reporting that 7,000 are staying. A lot of people are saying "oh well damn it must not be happening cause most are going home."
That is EXACTLY what they want EVERYONE to think. There is zero need for 25k troops....other than to make 7,000 look like a tiny, and ACCEPTED number.
7,000 troops a shitload of military. You are still talking about almost a full division. Keep in mind, Afghanistan was invaded with 1,200 troops and only have 4,500 spread throughout the whole country there currently.
7,000 troops by itself would have caused a shitstorm....but 7,000 compared to 25,000 looks dismal and gives the impression that everyone is going home.
4D chess strikes again.
Nope the troops were because of the dirty bombs they lost. There was a time they had no idea where they were if they are sending some troops home than that tells me they now know where the missing bombs are. They said 7000 is all they need to complete the missing any troops leaving washington are likely being sent to another state.
While you may be correct, there is zero evidence of that. The tactic I’m talking about is a classic sales tactic though, which donald trump is very familiar with and uses frequently in his business deals. You ask for way more, only to cut back to what you really wanted all along.
Yep, the specific technique is called "Door in the face"
Bu bu bu bu bingo.