We were all in agreeance that 25,000 troops was an insane amount. I had a post last week breaking it down just how many that is.
Now, the news is reporting that 7,000 are staying. A lot of people are saying "oh well damn it must not be happening cause most are going home."
That is EXACTLY what they want EVERYONE to think. There is zero need for 25k troops....other than to make 7,000 look like a tiny, and ACCEPTED number.
7,000 troops a shitload of military. You are still talking about almost a full division. Keep in mind, Afghanistan was invaded with 1,200 troops and only have 4,500 spread throughout the whole country there currently.
7,000 troops by itself would have caused a shitstorm....but 7,000 compared to 25,000 looks dismal and gives the impression that everyone is going home.
4D chess strikes again.
IF this is part of a bigger overall goal, it could be possible that the other NG were informed of their targets in their individual states & it could all take place in a 24-48hr event.
This is simply speculation & not tied to any direct Q drop
good thinking
It just makes sense. I am not a military expert, though for 5 years worked with a good team for corporate retreats, team building & individual growth using the Art of War & The Prince as the basis for the physical scenarios so team members could see the principles put into action.
From a PR & strategic standpoint it just makes the most sense.
Maybe Washington d.c. was the brief. Now they go home and are assembled already not drawing attention. Its a nice move if that is what it is. V