17 Antifa in Seattle - anyone can read what's on his backpack? posted 4 years ago by praying71 4 years ago by praying71 +17 / -0 Can anyone find out what's the text on his backpack? https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1352062780975755266 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I think it says "I am a homo."
I thought it said "I'm a flaming homo", but it's hard to read.
I humbly defer to your more accurate translation abilities... (genuflecting)
As a Hebrew speaker it looks like Hebrew
But I don't know what it says
“Liberals get the bullet too”
"Every. Single. Time."
Its Hebrew.
right to left
?,alef,kaf,mem,alef, bet,yod, ayin
Best I got Sorry.
Best I can make out is “ הארמאניע “
Hebrew for Harmony
Yes ...also the different colored people holding hands is a good giveaway
Is that supposed to be racist? #fed