SaturnArk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm noticing it a ton more lately too. And I'm wondering if it's personal bias, white hats, or black hats fucking with us. I've thought about that last one a lot, unfortunately.

SaturnArk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was so pissed with their recent YouTube episode on the African Diaspora in the UK, I couldn't even get through it. The comment section was not to pleased either and was based as all hell, so they had to turn it off. The cowards.

SaturnArk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yeah, most definitely. I haven't sent them anything since Trump's 2016 campaign. I just see this strategy coming and it's got me rather dejected about the whole audit process. The audit is good, but it's meaningless without results.

SaturnArk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm kind of worried that this will turn into a GOP grift, with nothing actually happening to Biden. AZ audit took a few months. Then after a few more months, the other states (PA, GA, etc.) will start their audits, each taking several months.....and the GOP has suddenly found its issue to roll into and fundraise off of until late 2022.

"Look at what's happening! Isn't it a travesty!!!! We can't let the Dems win! Oh, you want us to actually DO something about the stolen election and remove those falsely elected people from power? Uh....well.....you see....."

SaturnArk 12 points ago +12 / -0

I feel so bad for you, man. What kills me about this situation in particular is that you've got a degree in a biomedical field and she STILL doesn't trust your judgement. She believes the echo of news anchors, pop culture figures, and one medical "expert" crowned and deified by the media...over her own husband who has formally and informally studied this shit.

That kind of thing would create trust issues with me, personally.

SaturnArk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh when my cat Booter was in the same situation in 2018......we tried everything. Turns out he had toxoplasmosis, which we had treated, that was masking dry FIP. He was only 7 years old. I spend a couple thousand between scans, meds, and the final decision to end his suffering.

I have a clean conscience. I tried everything and in the end, he was beyond saving. I was in credit card debt for several months from it, but I could afford it, and I have the peace of mind that I exhausted all avenues. No "But what if?"s. But not everyone is so fortunate.

SaturnArk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Upvoted! From an article writted by the Post Editorial Board. Then why is Jenna putting these out and attributing them to DJT?!

SaturnArk 18 points ago +18 / -0

Oh that's GOOD. That's REALLY GOOD. I'm going to have to use that!

SaturnArk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the same thing. I saw this at the gym last night on the TV with CNN and I couldn't believe how scripted the whole thing looked. Flawless body camera and phone camera footage on the steering wheel and over-the-top hammy acting.

SaturnArk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do it. After last year's riots and the absolutely enormous and obvious ramp up in anti-White rhetoric to the point where even apolitical normies are noticing....do it. Chimp out. Solidify normal America's negro fatigue.

SaturnArk 3 points ago +4 / -1

The precipice thing bothers me.

HOW far are they going to let this go? There's already been irreversible collateral damage from the lockdowns as is, and Biden keeps throwing out EOs and getting his Cabinet appointments through while Congress is readying nightmare bills and SCOTUS is about to possibly sign-off on cops entering your house to confiscate your guns without a warrant.

Trump or whoever is next CAN reverse the EOs, but not what comes from the Legislature or the Court.

We, the people, did our job. We voted, and it was revealed to be a sham. If we rise up in righteousness, we're punished by the very cops we cheer and defamed as terrorists by the media and the sheeple.

A complex military operation on a mass scale IS the only way. But are they possessed of the righteousness to do it, or will they take the easy way out and just stand by as it all decays. With each day, each week that passes, faith wanes.

SaturnArk 53 points ago +71 / -18

Oh God, another mod on this shit. Seriously? Did I miss some crazy N-word storm or something the other day? It must have been small, because I definitely didn't notice and I check New pretty often (office job). I am absolutely noticing the mod "crackdown" and overreaction, however.

SaturnArk 23 points ago +24 / -1

Awww, someone say something that hurt the mod's feelings? lol, gtfo, you're too thin-skinned for the job.

SaturnArk 155 points ago +157 / -2

Absolutely the most dangerous politician, imo. She fools WAY too many conservatives for my comfort.

SaturnArk 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm not seeing the significance here. The number 17 is mentioned, that's it. Not everything with the number 17 is Q-related. If this were something from the military or a politician, I'd take a bit more of a look. But a random SyFy Wire article? Apophenia.

SaturnArk 4 points ago +5 / -1

For those of us that aren't plane/copterfags, could you explain the significance?

SaturnArk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not our guy, but my boomer Dem co-worker is not liking Biden's appointment of the tranny to that health position.
