Absolutely. There is a documentary on youtube if you can still find it. It is called Know Your Enemy. It has a section the catholic church and how it was used to destroy the early church. This was my first red pill over 10 years ago.
He may be the "rock" upon which the church was founded upon but the one in whom all worship of the church is directed to is Jesus. Last I checked he was crucified right-side up.
Also, the Bible mentions no papacy or position of pope; the Catholic (meaning "universal") church was, is, and will be a man-made institution for the purposes of deifying man (prayers to saints, sainthood, authority of office). The Roman pagans couldn't beat them (literally, see Nero and others) so they joined them. Look at all the pagan influences. That is why the Protestant reformists emphasized the 5 solae: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria. The practices of the Catholic church runs AGAINST scripture and supersedes it in many instances (kinda like the Jews and their Talmudic [Rabbinic] practices which also isn't up to scriptural standards).
So the nun and priest teaching me religion in school both lied that he himself decided to be crucified upside down along with HUNDREDS of other sources?
You grossly misunderstood. Read the first two sentences again.
And yes, it is historically correct that Peter was crucified upside down. Still doesn't change the fact that it conflicts with Christian monotheistic doctrine: why is the "seat of power" emblazoned with "Peter's cross" (if you can even call it that)? Is the church Peter's or God's? Dedicated to Peter or God?
St. Peter’s Basilica is architecturally constructed to be a crowned basilisk – equip with black serpent skin cobblestone for its walkways and even a forked tongue entrance into the mouth of the building
The Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ Himself on the rock of St. Peter. She's suffering now because of the apostate coven of fags that are infesting her, but she will recover and become more radiant and more beautiful than ever as Bergoglio and his ilk are cast out into the outer darkness.
Globalism is in fact another attempt at a Counter-Reformation, i.e., a rolling back of the advances to self-government post-Gutenberg and Luther that were achieved in Europe in particular when the breakdown of international/global church authority created space for
national governments
competition of religions and ideas for a more literate public
the begining of the breakdown of the power of noble families such as the Habsburgs. The Habsburgs family motto was "to rule the world", which they once almost did. Today, they are still behind all kinds of globalist movements such as tge WEF, the EU, Bilderberg, libertarianism, and the Kalergi Plan.
So of course the Cathloic Church is up to its neck in globalism and world goverment.
Before you go full nazi on me, let me learn you something about staying on topic: https://qanon.pub/?q=Vatican -
Enough with the petty controls. This is a conversation we Patriots are having. Tangents happen. A retraction and an apology from you is expected.
Never did..
Absolutely. There is a documentary on youtube if you can still find it. It is called Know Your Enemy. It has a section the catholic church and how it was used to destroy the early church. This was my first red pill over 10 years ago.
My awakening originated with bible study which was dramatically intensified when a friend pointed out this verse: 2 Timothy 2:15
When the time is right (after we get through Trump's movie) I'll start dropping red pills about what exists beyond the Church, and even Creation...
Yes. It's Yuge. Have you seen it?
This guy gets it
Or maybe just Peter, the first Pope, who was crucified upside down on his own will?
I'm an atheist, but just saying.
He may be the "rock" upon which the church was founded upon but the one in whom all worship of the church is directed to is Jesus. Last I checked he was crucified right-side up.
Also, the Bible mentions no papacy or position of pope; the Catholic (meaning "universal") church was, is, and will be a man-made institution for the purposes of deifying man (prayers to saints, sainthood, authority of office). The Roman pagans couldn't beat them (literally, see Nero and others) so they joined them. Look at all the pagan influences. That is why the Protestant reformists emphasized the 5 solae: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria. The practices of the Catholic church runs AGAINST scripture and supersedes it in many instances (kinda like the Jews and their Talmudic [Rabbinic] practices which also isn't up to scriptural standards).
So the nun and priest teaching me religion in school both lied that he himself decided to be crucified upside down along with HUNDREDS of other sources?
You grossly misunderstood. Read the first two sentences again.
And yes, it is historically correct that Peter was crucified upside down. Still doesn't change the fact that it conflicts with Christian monotheistic doctrine: why is the "seat of power" emblazoned with "Peter's cross" (if you can even call it that)? Is the church Peter's or God's? Dedicated to Peter or God?
Or maybe the story of St Peter is old propaganda to explain why the cross was upside down. That´s much more likely
This. People mess up so much the thing with upside down cross in this photo.
I'm a freaking atheist and know that. What does such ignorance say about supposed believers?
Vatican was a Satanic Child Sex Cult.
Fuck the Pope and the Vatican
The Pope allowed the CCP to change the Bible. Jesus murders a woman with stones!
The Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ Himself on the rock of St. Peter. She's suffering now because of the apostate coven of fags that are infesting her, but she will recover and become more radiant and more beautiful than ever as Bergoglio and his ilk are cast out into the outer darkness.
If the Church is supposed to be Christ's bride, the RCC is the Whore of Babylon.
I can't follow a religion that was founded by a Catholic priest.
A Catholic priest who saw the corruption even way back then?
The swamp was drained even then and we had the Counter-Reformation.
Guess who got all the Nazi plunder , gold and moneys after 1945!
But the hair!
And let's not forget about the diamonds......
I don't know how people can still bury their heads in the fucking sand when they see this shit... WAKE UP!
True. For centuries.
I'd like to point out, the 3rd photo from the bottom.
Is supposed to be Jesus, but if you look at his hair...
...His hair has been deliberately sculpted to look like a serpent's head.
Photo 1
Photo 2
This is their religion
Never did...
Okay? That jesus statue is creepy
Someone explained why everyone thinks upside down cross are bad? It's the symbol of saint Peter. He was crucifix upside down.
Btw, the Pope is MIA... https://mobile.twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1353132494120484864
The Vatican went apostate in 1091. Look at their history both before and after this year.
Research the sacraments and whether or not they were installed by Christ
Globalism is in fact another attempt at a Counter-Reformation, i.e., a rolling back of the advances to self-government post-Gutenberg and Luther that were achieved in Europe in particular when the breakdown of international/global church authority created space for
national governments
competition of religions and ideas for a more literate public
the begining of the breakdown of the power of noble families such as the Habsburgs. The Habsburgs family motto was "to rule the world", which they once almost did. Today, they are still behind all kinds of globalist movements such as tge WEF, the EU, Bilderberg, libertarianism, and the Kalergi Plan.
So of course the Cathloic Church is up to its neck in globalism and world goverment.
St Peter is still buried there.
This isnt the first satanic pope.
Removed. Off topic. This content would be more suitable for Conspiracies.win. Thank you for understanding.
Before you go full nazi on me, let me learn you something about staying on topic: https://qanon.pub/?q=Vatican - Enough with the petty controls. This is a conversation we Patriots are having. Tangents happen. A retraction and an apology from you is expected.
You're hilarious. Apology? This info is YEARS old.
Tangents do happen. Hence, the daily thread if you want. Otherwise be prepared to move along.