Who to trust?
I have a business. I have a family. I really want to disconnect from politics yet trust someone to tell me what to do politically. Is that even possible? I just can't continue checking so many sources trying to figure out what is what.
So who do you trust?
I saw a post at tdw before it went doomerville and this is what it said:
Here is a list of the people I trust in Washington:
President Donald Trump. The end.
I thought it was both fitting and hilarious. Unfortunately, he is not there (or is he?) so it's hard to know who to trust. As others have said, trust God (if you don't know God, get to know Him asap. It will help you keep your sanity. -- Just say a simple prayer in your own words, along these lines. Be sincere. No mockery. 'Dear God, if you exist, I want to know you. I want to know the truth. Please reveal yourself to me.' Follow His prompting. Then find yourself a good bible believing church and start attending regularly. If churches in your area are prevented from meeting due to covid, look on line for videos being posted from local churches all around the country and even world. Check out Joseph Prince, who has a megachurch in Singapore and is very gifted in teaching scripture, imo.
Why am I saying all that? Because ultimately, God is more important than our politics and will help you stay focused and sane during crazy times.
As for politics, you have to use discernment there, just like with your real life relationships. Some people you like and trust, some people you can't stand and wouldn't trust them as far as you can throw them. But start at the top. Do you still trust Trump? What about Pompeo? What about Flynn? And from there, go into the private sector. Do you trust Rudy? Sydney? Even if those are the only people you trust, you've got a starting point. I know it's not easy, friend, and if you figure out a better plan on how to trust sources, please do let us all know! Best wishes.