posted ago by KHo3P0 ago by KHo3P0 +61 / -0

Ever since the vaccine was made available, we’ve heard 24-7 that the virus is mutating. There are variants found in many countries now that are leading to travel bans, questions about vaccine efficacy, further lockdowns.

Why? Because it’s all predictive programming. So that when they release the next bioweapon, they can easily claim its simply a mutated form of COVID. And no one will ever question if that’s true since we all all being made to believe that COVID started mutating like crazy.

But the truth will be that it’s just another biological warfare attack that Cardinal Vigano warned about in his letter to Trump (Qpost 4941). So, get ready for COVID-21, pray like your life depends on it, stock up on zinc and quercetin, and buy more ammo.