Hey fuck wit, I was there, and guess what? You're fucking WRONG.
You are despicable scum, festering filth, a puss filled herpie on your families name. Cucktard neckbeard. Worthless shill.
Not one comment in 7 hours shows me anything but the above. You have no fuckin clue what you're talking about, you don't even have your toe in the water when it comes to facts, and your worthless rambling about the way these people crunch numbers is nothing short of embarrassing to say the very least. You have nothing. You have no real friends. Go kick your dog, you fuckin pedophile sympathizer.
The fencing is still up. That is interesting.
Good job. Thank you for the report. Please lose the annoying transcript overlay that covers half the screen. I appreciate your efforts.
I think you can adjust this with a setting in the bottom right. I didn’t see this until I turned it on.
TU I'll check that out.
DC (England) was occupied for a greater purpose then Pedo Jo! 1776-1876-1929-1999
You will be woken to the truth soon and that is Trump supporters were peaceful on the 6th and many more things.
Collateral damage will be inevitable to fix the stupidity in our great nation.
Died of a stroke.
Did not get this hysteria about dozens of riots and billions of dollars of damage wrt summer blm and antifa riots. Why not?
Where is the evidence it was Trump supporters? There is none dumb fuck.
WOW! A 13 minute old handshake! 2 posts. new shill.
Hey fuck wit, I was there, and guess what? You're fucking WRONG.
You are despicable scum, festering filth, a puss filled herpie on your families name. Cucktard neckbeard. Worthless shill.
Not one comment in 7 hours shows me anything but the above. You have no fuckin clue what you're talking about, you don't even have your toe in the water when it comes to facts, and your worthless rambling about the way these people crunch numbers is nothing short of embarrassing to say the very least. You have nothing. You have no real friends. Go kick your dog, you fuckin pedophile sympathizer.
You're obviously waaay behind lmao
Man you should have been here 14 days ago, we already went over all of this ?
Wake the FUCK UP.
Your perspective is skewed by your arrogance