If my local bus stop can keep the lights on 24/7 so can one of the nation's most important monuments. Might not be a massive happening, but definitely not something that should be ignored.
Turning the lights off on any public attraction is a huge safety risk. This is not something you'd do without a genuine reason.
No, this is the shaft of Baal, but you're correct that the Aryan race (egyptians were aryans) is waht most of these people are and Osiris has a lot of symbolism associated with it. Podesta with the fish symbol on his hand with the number 13 in it is representative of the thirteen parts he was torn into and the fact his penis was eaten by fish. then the eye of Horus and all of that comes into play, as you know.
The Aryan part of it is also why the nazis used a lot of Egyptian symbolism, went heavy into Africa, and where they learned a lot of their magik from. Most people don't know that stuff.
If my local bus stop can keep the lights on 24/7 so can one of the nation's most important monuments. Might not be a massive happening, but definitely not something that should be ignored.
Turning the lights off on any public attraction is a huge safety risk. This is not something you'd do without a genuine reason.
The shaft of Baal is very important.
Fucking Satanists in DC
It cracked 50 days after some Christians rebuked Baal in DC. It was a freak earthquake back in 2011 or 2014.
No, this is the shaft of Baal, but you're correct that the Aryan race (egyptians were aryans) is waht most of these people are and Osiris has a lot of symbolism associated with it. Podesta with the fish symbol on his hand with the number 13 in it is representative of the thirteen parts he was torn into and the fact his penis was eaten by fish. then the eye of Horus and all of that comes into play, as you know.
The Aryan part of it is also why the nazis used a lot of Egyptian symbolism, went heavy into Africa, and where they learned a lot of their magik from. Most people don't know that stuff.