Hmm. Its pretty clear something is off. There is no way the entire military knows the truth. If they did we would know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the commanders knew and they were telling their men what to do. I have a sneaky suspicion we will all know the truth soon. They can't keep this up for long.
Hmm. Its pretty clear something is off. There is no way the entire military knows the truth. If they did we would know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the commanders knew and they were telling their men what to do. I have a sneaky suspicion we will all know the truth soon. They can't keep this up for long.
Most of the boots on the ground don't deal with those high level instructions.
They're just told by their commanding officer, "Hey go guard that building make sure no crazy people try to break the door in or burn it down."
And that's about as much as they're told.