Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are also only 2 AF1’s. Both fly, one as a distraction when flying the President. Since Trump took AF1 to Florida, there would not have been an opportunity to fly Biden.
Even the freakin' speaker of the house and other lower-ranking govt officials
routinely travel on govt / .MIL aircraft.
Example: SecState has their own dedicated aircraft, etc.
I remember there was a big scandal a few years ago when the total cost of pelosi's GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT USE was exposed; it was something insane like $2mm per year or something and the biggest thing that caught fire was her alcohol tab; something like $60k for one year or something totally insane like that.....
Anyone else old enough to remember that?
Anyway....point'd think SOMEONE SOMEWHERE in the ENTIRE fucking US Govt would be able to scrounge up SOME SORT of a gov aircraft to fly around the "new" POTUS.
It again makes just zero sense that xiden flew private......
Talk about a security risk.....not that I care, personally......but USSS should.....theoretically.....
Devil’s advocate: could the Biden team have been afraid that Trump would pull something dramatic (I.e get him killed) coming in on a military aircraft, and so went with a private jet where he could control the hiring of the crew?
Well, we know he was blocked from the AF1 before he was inaugurated.
But we don't know at this moment.
Wasn't Christopher C Miller in charge when that happened?
Well, now he's not, so we'll see
Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are also only 2 AF1’s. Both fly, one as a distraction when flying the President. Since Trump took AF1 to Florida, there would not have been an opportunity to fly Biden.
AF1 is the call sign ONLY when the president is aboard.
Even the freakin' speaker of the house and other lower-ranking govt officials routinely travel on govt / .MIL aircraft.
Example: SecState has their own dedicated aircraft, etc.
I remember there was a big scandal a few years ago when the total cost of pelosi's GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT USE was exposed; it was something insane like $2mm per year or something and the biggest thing that caught fire was her alcohol tab; something like $60k for one year or something totally insane like that.....
Anyone else old enough to remember that?
Anyway....point'd think SOMEONE SOMEWHERE in the ENTIRE fucking US Govt would be able to scrounge up SOME SORT of a gov aircraft to fly around the "new" POTUS.
It again makes just zero sense that xiden flew private......
Talk about a security risk.....not that I care, personally......but USSS should.....theoretically.....
Devil’s advocate: could the Biden team have been afraid that Trump would pull something dramatic (I.e get him killed) coming in on a military aircraft, and so went with a private jet where he could control the hiring of the crew?
Before or after doesn’t matter point is he was and it’s never happened
It does matter. Chris C Miller was in charge when that happened. Now he's not.
But we shall know soon, I hope.