It tells you everything about how easily controlled some (many) people can be.
A 99.9something% recovery rate, and higher still for anyone non-decript, and all these people, a damned year into this, are still psychotically in favor of shuttering businesses and churches, closing schools, setting up camps, ordering you to "pull your mask up over your nose".
Everything, every day suggests more and more clearly that things are fine... and yet these totalitarian psycho are only ramping up!
I'd say they could go to hell, but that'd be just like telling a car driving due south to "drive south!"
It's creepy as hell, but also right as hell, to see them all bitchmasked up.
We're a year into it.
It tells you everything about how easily controlled some (many) people can be.
A 99.9something% recovery rate, and higher still for anyone non-decript, and all these people, a damned year into this, are still psychotically in favor of shuttering businesses and churches, closing schools, setting up camps, ordering you to "pull your mask up over your nose".
Everything, every day suggests more and more clearly that things are fine... and yet these totalitarian psycho are only ramping up!
I'd say they could go to hell, but that'd be just like telling a car driving due south to "drive south!"
And there are hundreds of millions more of us.
Just very few of them live around me. ?
society loses out big time when you obscure the smile.
smile ! and the whole world smiles with you
lost..... momentarily