Show us the 2 constitutions? Show us the differences other than the claim of a Constitution "of" rather than "for" the States.
Show us how the organic act of 1871 establishes all this, USA Corp and so on.
If you've ever looked at that piece of legislation, which I have, you realize that it is so legalistic that you need a decoder ring to determine what it really says.
It may say exactly what people claim, but you need to have expertise to demonstrate this and I've never seen the demonstration.
I am totally onboard with the possibility and plausibility of this and its long term concealment from the public.
I've heard of lots of in depth explanations of how it all works, 3 city states, admiralty law and on and on, but NO concrete proof whatsoever.
This stuff about the distinction between a Constitution "for" vs. "of" the States does not wash with the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention(s) and all the history of the establishment of the original republican Constitution.
The Constitution did not establish a league or confederacy of states, it established a NEW NATION, not based on the authority of the states but on the sovereignty of THE PEOPLE. It obviously required state institutions to pass it, but the Convention asserted that the authority of the Constitution was drawn from the sovereignty of the people, explicitly and self-consciously bypassing state sovereignty. This is all grade school stuff really.
The thing that established a confederacy of states in which the primary sovereign entities were states, was the Articles of Confederation which everyone knows were superseded by the Constitution. This meant national sovereignty trumped state sovereignty and it derived from the people, not the states.
Those critical of the original Constitution, The Anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry, made JUST this criticism. He said effectively "Who is this "We The People" who authorize this document when it is clear that it is "We the States?!"
So there may be truth to this USA Inc , but there is also some bad history surrounding it.
Team Law also explains the history and facts regarding the creation of Corporate U.S. very clearly. Hopefully it clears up any confusion, misconceptions, or false information. Take the time to read through and then do some further research to back it up from independent sources:
It is critical that everyone waking up understands the what, how, why, when, etc. regarding this complex subject. We need to be armed with factual knowledge to restore our Constitutional Republic. Ignorance is a choice.
we just want to "wake up" to accurate and well sourced information about this transformation in our government.
I think for most of us, if we just looked at the facts vs. the claim of a new USA INC we would not be able to derived from the facts at hand the conclusion that it created this USA INC and a second constitution.
Perhaps the best place to start is the Missing 13th Amendment which is a topic acknowledged by Constitutional Scholar.
Interestingly it said that any US citizen who takes a takes a title of nobility from another country (read England) forfeits their US citizenship. So it basically forbade taking foreign titles of nobility by US Citizens which is different from the Constitution's provision that the US government will not themselves issue titles of nobility, ie. they will not exist in the USA.
The information is in the links that I posted. It covers what happened to the 13th amendment. I have been studying and researching for almost 30 years now, and Team Law is the best resource I have found in all that time with the full facts and history regarding this subject. You want accurate and well sourced, then Team Law is the place. If you want proof then take what you find to verify it through your nearest law library. That is the only way to really verify truth and facts. Right at the source.
3rd: In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution’s 13th Amendment and the national constitution’s 14th, 15th and 16th amendments are respectively numbered 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the Corp. U.S. Constitution. At this point take special notice and remember this Corp. U.S. method of adopting their own Constitution, they will add to it in the same manner in 1913."
This is all very interesting, but, the bottom line is this. If/since ' they' changed it in 1871, ' they' can, AND WILL change what ever they need to to proceed with their plans.
Sorry, us mortals do NOT matter to these people.
I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but thinking anything other than force ( power) is going to change anything is simply ' Hopium'.
The stolen election has shown us how the "Just Us" system works.
This is what the "Great awakening" is.
Please plan accordingly
All this info is good, but what people are looking for are actual links to docs that substantiate this. For instance links to the original constitution vs the 1871 one. Link to the incorporation papers for US Corp, and subsequent dissolution.
From what I have pieced together, the whole plan took decades to come to fruition.
In 1801 organic act of DC had been passed first, but DC was still being ruled under Maryland constitution. But 1871 organic act consolidated the land for DC, put it all into one corporation and gave a corporate constitution.
However this by itself doesn't mean anything. There were events further on, including the formation of Federal Reserve, IRS, Social Security act etc along the way which finalized the transfer of power from USA (Unincorporates) to USA (Incorporated).
Ok so I hear talk of this regularly now.
Show us the 2 constitutions? Show us the differences other than the claim of a Constitution "of" rather than "for" the States.
Show us how the organic act of 1871 establishes all this, USA Corp and so on.
If you've ever looked at that piece of legislation, which I have, you realize that it is so legalistic that you need a decoder ring to determine what it really says.
It may say exactly what people claim, but you need to have expertise to demonstrate this and I've never seen the demonstration.
I am totally onboard with the possibility and plausibility of this and its long term concealment from the public.
I've heard of lots of in depth explanations of how it all works, 3 city states, admiralty law and on and on, but NO concrete proof whatsoever.
This stuff about the distinction between a Constitution "for" vs. "of" the States does not wash with the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention(s) and all the history of the establishment of the original republican Constitution.
The Constitution did not establish a league or confederacy of states, it established a NEW NATION, not based on the authority of the states but on the sovereignty of THE PEOPLE. It obviously required state institutions to pass it, but the Convention asserted that the authority of the Constitution was drawn from the sovereignty of the people, explicitly and self-consciously bypassing state sovereignty. This is all grade school stuff really.
The thing that established a confederacy of states in which the primary sovereign entities were states, was the Articles of Confederation which everyone knows were superseded by the Constitution. This meant national sovereignty trumped state sovereignty and it derived from the people, not the states.
Those critical of the original Constitution, The Anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry, made JUST this criticism. He said effectively "Who is this "We The People" who authorize this document when it is clear that it is "We the States?!"
So there may be truth to this USA Inc , but there is also some bad history surrounding it.
Team Law also explains the history and facts regarding the creation of Corporate U.S. very clearly. Hopefully it clears up any confusion, misconceptions, or false information. Take the time to read through and then do some further research to back it up from independent sources:
It is critical that everyone waking up understands the what, how, why, when, etc. regarding this complex subject. We need to be armed with factual knowledge to restore our Constitutional Republic. Ignorance is a choice.
we just want to "wake up" to accurate and well sourced information about this transformation in our government.
I think for most of us, if we just looked at the facts vs. the claim of a new USA INC we would not be able to derived from the facts at hand the conclusion that it created this USA INC and a second constitution.
Perhaps the best place to start is the Missing 13th Amendment which is a topic acknowledged by Constitutional Scholar.
Interestingly it said that any US citizen who takes a takes a title of nobility from another country (read England) forfeits their US citizenship. So it basically forbade taking foreign titles of nobility by US Citizens which is different from the Constitution's provision that the US government will not themselves issue titles of nobility, ie. they will not exist in the USA.
The information is in the links that I posted. It covers what happened to the 13th amendment. I have been studying and researching for almost 30 years now, and Team Law is the best resource I have found in all that time with the full facts and history regarding this subject. You want accurate and well sourced, then Team Law is the place. If you want proof then take what you find to verify it through your nearest law library. That is the only way to really verify truth and facts. Right at the source.
3rd: In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution’s 13th Amendment and the national constitution’s 14th, 15th and 16th amendments are respectively numbered 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the Corp. U.S. Constitution. At this point take special notice and remember this Corp. U.S. method of adopting their own Constitution, they will add to it in the same manner in 1913."
This is all very interesting, but, the bottom line is this. If/since ' they' changed it in 1871, ' they' can, AND WILL change what ever they need to to proceed with their plans.
Sorry, us mortals do NOT matter to these people. I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but thinking anything other than force ( power) is going to change anything is simply ' Hopium'.
The stolen election has shown us how the "Just Us" system works. This is what the "Great awakening" is. Please plan accordingly
All this info is good, but what people are looking for are actual links to docs that substantiate this. For instance links to the original constitution vs the 1871 one. Link to the incorporation papers for US Corp, and subsequent dissolution.
From what I have pieced together, the whole plan took decades to come to fruition.
In 1801 organic act of DC had been passed first, but DC was still being ruled under Maryland constitution. But 1871 organic act consolidated the land for DC, put it all into one corporation and gave a corporate constitution.
However this by itself doesn't mean anything. There were events further on, including the formation of Federal Reserve, IRS, Social Security act etc along the way which finalized the transfer of power from USA (Unincorporates) to USA (Incorporated).
Agreed. Here is the act of 1871 :
Anyone doubting the fact the the US is a corporation should do more research!