I'm a total noob to programming but there were some things that I thought were odd.. Correct me if they're no big deal.
"<meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/" />" Why is facebook even remotely associated with the white house page?? I thought that was a government run website.
Then there's strange comments like this in the code "real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->"
And why are there two DOD pages?
https://dod.defense.gov/ < old
https://www.defense.gov/ < redesign
Is this normal?
Maybe someone who's better at this stuff can find more meaning in the comments on these pages.
I'm not fully up on website security, but it does strike me as odd that the dod site has 2048 bit encryption while the www site has 256 bit encryption. I mean, 256 is standard so why have standard level on a supposed government site- especially one that was hacked (Solarwinds) just a few months ago?
Secondly, Q says that spelling matters and symbolism will be there downfall. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this but the www site doesn't say "Department of Defense" and does not bear the official DoD symbol but rather says "Dept of Defense" and has a pentagon icon.
I've had a bit of a look through and can't say I see anything alarming at all. They allow Google analytics, which I'm surprised about but that's about it.
I do like the part where the DOD refuses to notice Biden anywhere in any of their newsroom articles or the newsfeed on the home page, with the exception of noting "the Biden administration" removing the ban/restriction of transgender people in the military. Nothing about the inauguration. Nothing about being under orders from Biden. Ambiguously worded reasons for being there in the first place...
Nobody with a grain of rationality could say the military is listening to old man Joe, AT ALL...
Both of these things are normal. The meta property is simply to help with SEO and enable the Facebook like/follow widgets.
Having two pages while working to redesign can be normal. Many developers employ staging sites to temporarily house changes. Sometimes after swapping the changes live, the old changes live on in a staging location.
What are your thoughts on antife.com taking you to the Whitehouse page
If WhiteSupremacy.com took you to Whitehouse.gov during Trump's tenure, I can't imagine it would just be allowed to stay like that.
Makes sense.. I forgot Obama relinquished DNS from the US during his term. feelsbad
I thought domains were registered by the federal government though and antifa.com was updated 2021 to go to the white house page. I don't see why the feds would let this slide unless they're in on it.. which we kinda already know they are.
Anybody with a website could redirect to any other site that they want.
This thread is an example of someone humbly asking a question, admitting his inexperience, and seeking answers. Saying "I don't know" and "I would like to learn from someone more experienced" is the mark of a bright mind. Your comment reply is the mark of an abusive, low IQ personality, attacking those who ask honest questions and seek honest answers. Away with you.
Actually, many of us have looked at places for information that SHOULDN'T exist, but have found it. I never would have guessed that every single president at least dating back to Nixon received a 21 gun salute directly after taking the oath of office, but Biden didn't. Somebody had to go and find that information, compare it to other information, etc. And you would have been right there, telling them they are dumb for looking at the inauguration like a "conspiratorial moron" for "information that doesn't exist." We have our eyes open and are looking. You have your eyes closed-- tightly.
Funny coming from someone who supports communism. You either know jack shit about economics or just have a deep seeded grudge against food.
Okay then prove how your are entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor. MORON
Why are you here then newbie? I'm sure you came here to learn right? No? Ya move along then...