This may be a flimsy theory but I was just thinking, what if "standing" is just a red herring?
Is it possible that due to the influence of a foreign power in this case, the issue isn't that the plaintiffs in the case lack standing, but that the courts themselves lack jurisdiction?
Q always said the military was the only way--is it possible that military courts are the only way too when election fraud involves foreign actors?
What if destruction of the old guard, bringing down the house can best be done by the enemy himself?
What does it really mean to pledge life, sacred honor and fortunes to the cause of liberty? Could we see real bad outcomes of the Biden Regime idiocies? I guess we will.
Road to perdition. No where to go. That is where every jack one of us, will start to act differently.
Federalism and States Rights have their uses. And we, the people, are in the middle of this thing.
SO, for starters: there is this guy wanting your vote. Why not make a contract. With non-compliance comes hefty monetary discipline. We have taken for granted that what they say, is what will be done.
So, you wanne be governor? Sign here ....Then if they fuck up, like Kemp, you simply drag them into court for damages, without the need to worry about standing. It is contract law.