438 FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EYES TO SEE. 10 palindrome days since Inauguration. It's like BEING in Limbo. The Calm before the STORM. Great graphic. Anons RULE. (wearethene.ws) posted 4 years ago by freedomfountain 4 years ago by freedomfountain +438 / -0 56 comments share 56 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The other dates in Q posts appegar to conform to US style dates, so why would 4 3 2 1 be the 4th March?
It should be 3rd April
We do, too.. Europe out..
How about: 4 Mar 21 (as the military does)
Did you read my post? That would follow the UK date format, which none of the other dates appear to do.
Thats how we had to write our dates in the military. Example 8 Dec 21 day month year
really? interesting. I'm from the UK so that's just 'normal' for me, but I work a lot with the US so I'm also used to seeing US date format.
any info on why the military uses ddmmyy?