I've been in business for 12 years. Indefinite lockdowns, mask mandates, restricted occupancy. I've tried to resist it. The city came to revoke my business license. I have to go to court, with an injunction against doing business. Wife is being asked to leave her nursing job for refusing the vaccine from the big hospital in our area. 4 Kids. Prayers needed.
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Nobody wins in courts anymore. They are al bought and paid for when it comes to globalist agendas, which COVID is.
you gotta try - its about the court of public opinion too..... MAKE SOME NOISE !
when you got nothing to lose - you are the most dangerous - cos you have everything to win.
read Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell
and American Sniper (the movie was crap)
pdfs are free online if you dig about....
you will be banned, than arrested, sorry friend they have all the power.
Its why GameStop Gate is happening.
Court isn't even public anymore.
if covid isnt a globalist agenda why are only the globalists talking about it?