Pretty sure this WSB situation isn't a coincidence and was initially driven by white-hats to legally give Biden his first scandal, but that's my opinion.
Read the Robin Hood anon post on Reddit, and the insider anon post on 4chan. Then there's already 2 people in Pedo Joe's administration identified with ties to the hedge funds.
I don't really have a reason to blindly trust random anonymous people on the internet - don't know what their hidden agenda is, or what they're trying to accomplish, and they don't have a reputation to lose or even face to their names, they can't he held liable. What's worse, anonymous people don't risk anything if they do choose to spread misinformation.
The main point being, that anything and everything that comes from an anon could be psyops or DS play and you'd never know it. We'd do better to get data from people that can face consequences for their acts, if any. That's the rational, sensible path.
Faggots like to think they are relevant. They aren't.
How’s your 401k?
Deserves a post of its own.
I missed this story - what happened?
Robinhood insider said the Whitehouse called to tell them to drop GME. Unreal!
Oh wow, I hop Veritas gets on this and maybe gets the insider to do an audio reveal
James okeefe just tweeted a contact for Robin hood employees
Seriously, dude, are you incapable of going looking through James O'Keefe's twitter yourself?
W O W.
Fuck off, Fuhrer Biden.
Also waiting on sauce
Regurging this to r/memes..
Not exactly holding my breath but with the current mood over there it may slip through the cracks(if I'm not on too many lists...)
First clear view of Elon's soft pallet. Thanks. ?
Fuck. I laughed.
Red pill in tablet form or red pill suppository the choice is yours
Pretty sure this WSB situation isn't a coincidence and was initially driven by white-hats to legally give Biden his first scandal, but that's my opinion.
Well when you are paid to have your opinion like those guys are its not to be questioned.
Need to get proof on this
What makes you certain it's the Biden admin colluding with hedge fund managers and not some other DS rat?
A lot of weird shit that came from the Trump admin was dutifully pinned on DS agents by based pedes as opposed to being pinned on Trump.
Read the Robin Hood anon post on Reddit, and the insider anon post on 4chan. Then there's already 2 people in Pedo Joe's administration identified with ties to the hedge funds.
You need to stay up to date with what's going on.
I don't really have a reason to blindly trust random anonymous people on the internet - don't know what their hidden agenda is, or what they're trying to accomplish, and they don't have a reputation to lose or even face to their names, they can't he held liable. What's worse, anonymous people don't risk anything if they do choose to spread misinformation.
The main point being, that anything and everything that comes from an anon could be psyops or DS play and you'd never know it. We'd do better to get data from people that can face consequences for their acts, if any. That's the rational, sensible path.
That's my pronoun