It's well known and openly admitted and lawsuits have been won about manipulation in the precious metals markets.
The low side of the Gold to Silver ratio is about 100 to 1
The high side in history was 10 to 1
So if Gold inches up to $2500 oz... that puts Silver at $250
currently $27 - that might sound mad - until you think into the performance in many other assets, Tesla, Cryptos etc.
JPM, Barclays and all the spooks have gone out of their way to crush silver prices for decades - this is one way we can beat them.
Silver futures are a small market place - we can easily squeeze them out there.....
The Hunt Brothers did it in the 70s but they didn't have the viral power we have.... to get the masses behind them.
I agree with this to an extent.
It depends how high their markup is compared to the Internet. As long as they are reasonably fair and not totally gouging then yes you should support your local small business versus a communist multinational shit bird tech company like eBay.
compare two scenarios:
You buy online. Price is spot plus $1.50. You have to wait 3+ weeks for delivery.
You buy from brick and mortar shop. Price is spot plus $4.50. You walk out with it.
Is brick and mortar guy gouging you?
He has to store, insure, and keep safe the thing you want and is doing so in a way that eliminates third party risk (the risk that the third party involved fails in giving your silver to the place you bought it from when you paid in advance).
He is serving his community and you should support that. Buying online supports the paper market of silver, which is what we want to bring down. He is not gouging you.
Yes, I understand and agree with you. sigh I'm gonna roll over to my local coin shop now..... ;-)
lov yu fren