Do not shortcut it. This is too big. This summary below is as short as it gets. Watch them in order. It truly will help people make sense of it all and almost bring them up to date.
They likely do not want to know every damn detail of a 50 year war, but this condenses it to what I find is a good balance of must know info and time. If they prefer to read then try the bottom links.
All of these videos should be mandatory imho.
Out of Shadows. A Great Red pill primer. Starts with breaking the spell that people in power positions would never lie or trick us.
Best way to do it is keep it short and brief, and to elaborate as best you can if they have questions they want answered.
"The current theory is this: The military now occupies DC and is secretly treating the Biden admin as a foreign controlling power. This was all part of the plan since any action by Trump could be used to accuse him of attempting a dictatorship. Follow what actions the military in DC takes, how they interact with Biden's administration, how they house them, and how/if they allow the move."
Even that may be too long.
Give them an info dump only if you want to sound like a loon.
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid).
Be short, brief, answer a few questions, and don't let the conversation go on for too long. Let the information settle and then expound on that at a later date.
Yeah. They need to go easy. These vids taken all back to back will red-pill too fast w/o proper context.
I say to read the Q-drops from beginning to end and study as you go. No deep dives. Get the big overall picture and they will be solid. It will take a few days to a couple weeks depending on time constraints but the info learned will be WAY more valuable in the long run.
Red-pilling too fast w/o reading the drops makes people gullible to everything they watch or read.
I hear ya, but we have had 4 years with the kiddie gloves. This coddling shit has to stop soon. How else do we expect them to grow up and put their big boy pants on ? No one wants to do this shit for too many more years just because schools, pedowood, and lazy parents raised a few generations of pansies.
Soon biden will prime them enough to accept new info. U have to be a total idiot or hermit to NOT realize already something weird/big is happening. If that's the case they fall into the 6% lost group.
I get the slow drip method ( baby steps ) but I believe it should also accelerate as we go and I feel as though their red pilling started 4 years ago. Perhaps I'm just worn after being in the game for 2 decades. Just don't like seeing my fellow citizens, especially those close to me be manipulated.
Do not shortcut it. This is too big. This summary below is as short as it gets. Watch them in order. It truly will help people make sense of it all and almost bring them up to date.
They likely do not want to know every damn detail of a 50 year war, but this condenses it to what I find is a good balance of must know info and time. If they prefer to read then try the bottom links.
All of these videos should be mandatory imho.
Out of Shadows. A Great Red pill primer. Starts with breaking the spell that people in power positions would never lie or trick us.
Extremely Dangerous to our democracy
Not another 4 year election
Q - The Plan to Save the World
Killing the Mockingbird
We are the Plan
Dark to Light
The Fall of the Cabal
The Fall of the Cabal - Sequel
Covid 911
Plandemic Pt 2
Hunger Games Producer Whistleblower
Pedogate Pt 1
Part 2
Part 3
Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion
Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion
DONE!!! Haven't been a Q follower except at the Fringes and this site has opened my eyes more than ever before...
Thank you!!!
That's the absolutely wrong way to go about it.
Best way to do it is keep it short and brief, and to elaborate as best you can if they have questions they want answered.
"The current theory is this: The military now occupies DC and is secretly treating the Biden admin as a foreign controlling power. This was all part of the plan since any action by Trump could be used to accuse him of attempting a dictatorship. Follow what actions the military in DC takes, how they interact with Biden's administration, how they house them, and how/if they allow the move."
Even that may be too long.
Give them an info dump only if you want to sound like a loon.
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid).
Be short, brief, answer a few questions, and don't let the conversation go on for too long. Let the information settle and then expound on that at a later date.
Yeah. They need to go easy. These vids taken all back to back will red-pill too fast w/o proper context.
I say to read the Q-drops from beginning to end and study as you go. No deep dives. Get the big overall picture and they will be solid. It will take a few days to a couple weeks depending on time constraints but the info learned will be WAY more valuable in the long run.
Red-pilling too fast w/o reading the drops makes people gullible to everything they watch or read.
Agree: keep it short and focus on answering questions rather than lecture.
But the DC occupation theory is just that- THEORY. We do not know THE PLAN.
I hear ya, but we have had 4 years with the kiddie gloves. This coddling shit has to stop soon. How else do we expect them to grow up and put their big boy pants on ? No one wants to do this shit for too many more years just because schools, pedowood, and lazy parents raised a few generations of pansies.
Soon biden will prime them enough to accept new info. U have to be a total idiot or hermit to NOT realize already something weird/big is happening. If that's the case they fall into the 6% lost group.
I get the slow drip method ( baby steps ) but I believe it should also accelerate as we go and I feel as though their red pilling started 4 years ago. Perhaps I'm just worn after being in the game for 2 decades. Just don't like seeing my fellow citizens, especially those close to me be manipulated.