Who's the smartest of them all? LET THE PREDICTIONS HIT THE FLOOR!
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The whole entire system is what needs to be replaced. You could barely even scratch the surface of pervasive corruption--at all levels- with a powerhouse like Trump in office. Something is seriously wrong in the entire establishment. It's rotten to the core. There can be no Justice within the system. It must occur from a more powerful force. It can only be done with We The People.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -Thomas Jefferson
And we are WAY beyond the point of needing to protect ourselves from tyranny. We should be doing it every day.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends of LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and institute a new government.
We saw how deathly afraid congress was during the laughable big scary insurrection at the capital.Those were just bumble bees buzzing around aimlessly. They are about to get the biggest hornet's nest dropped right on fucking top them.
That's the double edged sword and crux of the whole Oath of enlistment. There are two parts to it That you will defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC 2.That you will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over you, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
But what the fuck happens when and if the president and/or officers are corrupt? What happens when the greatest, most vicious enemies are the very ones pulling the strings of the Military industrial complex? We've already seen what happened after 9/11, and even most of the wars before then.
We really need to begin with destroying the mockingbird media. By force if necessary They are public enemy #1. The Press hides behind the first amendment to spew lies and subvert the masses. All the same time silencing any opposing voices. Our founding Fathers in no fucking way intended the MSM a free pass to lie and propagandize the masses. It was intended for the freedom to expose and root out evil.
I don't think the entire system needs to be replaced. I think it just needs to be adhered to and equitably enforced. No more of this 'too big to jail/fail' bullfunky.
Yes it does r u kidding? Everything’s rigged. Even the food industry do u know what goes into our food and water? We basically drink toilet water. From the time you’re young: schools brainwash you, media brainwashes you, college does, the gov controls you, social media is brainwashing and censoring, elections are stolen, the judiciary system is corrupt, the banking system is a pyramid scheme, global leaders are working together to make shady deals on behalf of themselves selling us all out. What world do you live in? The ENTIRE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT. It’s time for a new one. We need to nip it in the bud. Or it’ll never work down the line.
That "equity" word is such a weapon for them, did you mean "equal opportunity and equal justice"? Equity keeps being redefined to mean things like...although my family came to America just 50 years ago, I want free shit for things not done to me or my ancestors, and I want it from the people who didn't do it. They are such Stupid shits!
Don't know the correct wording as Not military, but they are also not supposed to obey any wrongful orders.....
I can confirm firsthand that 47 year ago this was the case. When indoctrinating us into the UCMJ that they both made a big deal about following orders without questioning or hesitation and made a huge deal about not following illegal orders. (Lt Calley was still in the news in those days)
Is this still the standard for our troops?
Confirmed... Ratting out your boss, you learn the BS he was instructing you to do literally is 4 ranks above him pulling his strings.
Well said