Yes. You still have a chance to live in poverty and drink yourself to death or OD on drugs so you die "happy". They will gladly profit from the alcohol/drugs you consume to keep yourself in a constant state of ignorant bliss. OR do you prefer mind numbing brainwashing TV shows like I do???
I kind of assumed it was at least partially sarcasm. I just moved on tot he next layer of abuse because it seemed appropriate to point out. These people want us dead.
I'm not really a stock guy so I don't know the timing on that. It might be too late to buy and make a difference. That's the problem with the "system" these people have created. They make it overly complicated on purpose. That is meant to give them camouflage to hide their abuse of the common man. We falsely believe its complicated because that's just the nature of how those things work. Not so. They made it that way on purpose.
The same applies to our laws. They used to be simple and strait forward. You raped a woman you were tried and jailed. Now its a complicated mess and the judges and lawyers control everything not justice and juries.
When a lawyer screws up who judges him? Other lawyers(the bar).
When a citizen(non-lawyer) screws up who judges him? Lawyers(DA/AG).
Sure sometimes lawyers are punished. Its token sacrifices to make you believe the system works. More often than not they did something so blatantly obvious it had to be dealt with. They got caught red handed and sacrificed. IE ...
But look closely at the punishments. Nifong was stripped of his law licenses etc, great, but he served 1 freaking day in jail. It was a joke. He tried to ruin those kids lives USING THE POWER OF HIS OFFICE. If you or I filed false charges we'd end up doing years in jail.
Hastings! LOL! That motherfucker took bribes as a judge, got caught, he escaped criminal prosecution because his partner refused to testify(and was pardoned by Clinton later). He was finally impeached by the US Congress and booted out of office. Only a few years later HE WAS IN CONGRESS as a member of the house, and he is STILL THERE TODAY!!! A known bribe taker.
Its all rigged. The special people get all the breaks and little people like us just get trampled.
So you're saying we still have a chance.....? :)
Yes. You still have a chance to live in poverty and drink yourself to death or OD on drugs so you die "happy". They will gladly profit from the alcohol/drugs you consume to keep yourself in a constant state of ignorant bliss. OR do you prefer mind numbing brainwashing TV shows like I do???
Yep, I understand... Was just being silly.... (sarcasm) Reminds me of George Carlin's Big Club bit..... [(]
I kind of assumed it was at least partially sarcasm. I just moved on tot he next layer of abuse because it seemed appropriate to point out. These people want us dead.
So true..... God bless you, and stay strong fellow patriot....
So, should we buy GME still or no?
I'm not really a stock guy so I don't know the timing on that. It might be too late to buy and make a difference. That's the problem with the "system" these people have created. They make it overly complicated on purpose. That is meant to give them camouflage to hide their abuse of the common man. We falsely believe its complicated because that's just the nature of how those things work. Not so. They made it that way on purpose.
The same applies to our laws. They used to be simple and strait forward. You raped a woman you were tried and jailed. Now its a complicated mess and the judges and lawyers control everything not justice and juries.
When a lawyer screws up who judges him? Other lawyers(the bar).
When a citizen(non-lawyer) screws up who judges him? Lawyers(DA/AG).
Sure sometimes lawyers are punished. Its token sacrifices to make you believe the system works. More often than not they did something so blatantly obvious it had to be dealt with. They got caught red handed and sacrificed. IE ... OR
But look closely at the punishments. Nifong was stripped of his law licenses etc, great, but he served 1 freaking day in jail. It was a joke. He tried to ruin those kids lives USING THE POWER OF HIS OFFICE. If you or I filed false charges we'd end up doing years in jail.
Hastings! LOL! That motherfucker took bribes as a judge, got caught, he escaped criminal prosecution because his partner refused to testify(and was pardoned by Clinton later). He was finally impeached by the US Congress and booted out of office. Only a few years later HE WAS IN CONGRESS as a member of the house, and he is STILL THERE TODAY!!! A known bribe taker.
Its all rigged. The special people get all the breaks and little people like us just get trampled.
Yep. Agree on all fronts.
Was hoping to jump into the GME front but it might be too late. I dunno.
I understood the first time... I was just being silly.... Reminds me of George Carlin's big club bit.... (