1114 Poor Lin Wood, all his kids are leftists (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by MissMAGA 4 years ago by MissMAGA +1115 / -1 168 comments download share 168 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"I come not to bring peace but a sword."
That sword is division.
"Your enemies shall be that of your own household."
The lines are drawn, choose this day whom you shall serve.
I searched for that scripture and couldn’t find it. Well done.
Thanks, fren.
Man is not without honor save in his own home.
Truth and the ability to see it, believe it and retain it with conviction will separate you from unbelievers better than the surgeons scalpel. Sharper than any two edges sword. The Word is the delineator.
What verse is that please? I can’t find… still looking….