His name, his profile picture of an ancient boylover. It's so obvious. This is why the media isn't bringing pizzagate up anymore, it doesn't take a lot of effort to open people's minds.
That is not a Convincing argument. The Greeks have a long history of pedophilia. How do you think boy students made their marks with Plato and Socrates at the Academy?
Sicko Rothchild fuck.
Hidden in plain sight.
God forgive us for taking so long to awaken. Devils?
It's worse than that. Isn't it " I love infants " ?
Also why does a supposed pizza shop owner get titled as 1 OF 50 THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN D.C. ?
He's Roth. What else do u need to know ?
Their need for symbolism and to flaunt things openly will be their greatest regret
Symbolism will be their downfall. ~ Q
Satan incarnate right there. and his buddies Obama Clinton's e.t.c
His name, his profile picture of an ancient boylover. It's so obvious. This is why the media isn't bringing pizzagate up anymore, it doesn't take a lot of effort to open people's minds.
That faggot is a member of the Rothschild family tree.
Alefantis is a Greek surname, example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikos_Alefantos
That is not a Convincing argument. The Greeks have a long history of pedophilia. How do you think boy students made their marks with Plato and Socrates at the Academy?
So did the romans and most of the world pre christianity?
Yikes. Good catch OP
Pedo JohnC Reilly
I don't think this is true
Use Google translate and remember this guy changed his name.
When did he change his name and from what?
A more accurate translation is 'I love children' I think, same difference though
It's both like and love. Same word in french. Aimer.
His name sounds like: i like or i love children.
That's correct.
Clearly a sicko you can see it in the face.
Which part?
What's with the downvotes? I tried google translate and it didn't work, can someone show me how to achieve this translation?