Here are my observations.
The “former Q follower” seemed fake. I didn’t really buy that he was a Q follower.
They talked about Anderson Cooper for a bit but didn’t go into much detail. The “former Q follower” apologized to Cooper for believing he ate babies.
Most of it was about linking Q to the Capitol storming and “white supremacy”. They made sure every Q follower on the program was a crazy looking as possible.
The other main focus was on pedophila and pizzagate making it sound as crazy as possible.
Overall I would say they are scared shitless.
If Q wasn’t real why would they need to come out with a hit piece after Biden was in?
Why are they so desperate to slander us?
Why are they so afraid of Q followers if they “think” Q is a hoax?
Anybody else watch?
Thankyou for subjecting yourself to the swill and reporting back It really sounds like they haven't even spent 5 min On this site They're just looking to comditiom the mind wipes to accept and welcome the demise of the 1st group they plan on persecuting. If it gets that far, that is. I just don't thsnk the powers that be know that MSM are losing their influence. And conservatives are the majority in this country. Hitler said he would wring Britain's neck like a chicken in 1940. Churchill said something like "some chicken, some neck."