Hmmm I wonder why that might be???
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"It's because we're all wearing masks and social distancing"
Then why did covid skyrocket? "Because no one is properly social distancing or wearing masks!!!"
Because you needed two masks! No, THREE! FIVE!!!
The goal is to sicken and kill as many of us as possible; mission accomplished, thanks Gov. Cuomo; and to muzzle and muffle the rest, so there's no point even trying to speak.
Wear a mask
Wear a mask
So nice
Say it twice
-- highway billboard
I can think of a more reasonable way to lessen the current world population, if that's what their goal is.
Just sayin'.
Then nobody should get sick. Who pays in other people's poop.
Its a miracle!!! Flu rates gown down way down .... hang on why is coof up then? Sheep exit room ...
Every time I see someone pushing masks I ask them to gimme money.
You would be surprised how often it works.