for a flu with a 99% recovery rate. physically removing people from their homes/families against their will is a move that will end any hope of a future for this country.
Willfully being removed to "convalesce" is a level of stupidity akin to sticking one's finger in a light socket.
for a flu with a 99% recovery rate. physically removing people from their homes/families against their will is a move that will end any hope of a future for this country.
Willfully being removed to "convalesce" is a level of stupidity akin to sticking one's finger in a light socket.
so, isn't that what Nursing homes do? no relatives allowed in to visit - strict quarantine?
so ALL seniors should be moved to nursing homes.....guess they are not dying soon enough. THATS what all those body bags are for.....
Yes, will be instant civil war and people have a handy dandy list of who first.
Not a bright plan.