1150 Well would you look at that? (media.communities.win) NCSWIC posted 4 years ago by Puncake150 4 years ago by Puncake150 +1152 / -2 145 comments download share 145 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can a tweeter verify?
@army, @usaf, @deptofdefense, @usnavy
These official accounts are not following @joebiden
Edot - Holy crap. I thought it was just his personal account. @army, @usaf, and @usnavy are not following @POTUS. (@deptofdefense is)
(Information obtained via doesfollow.com]
Right, but WERE they following when TRUMP was President....
THAT is the real question......
That is extremely relevant. I'm not sure if that answer is possible to find, but I'll look.
Edit - I looked (not very hard) and couldn't find a way to get that info.
They seen to follow archives of POTUS 45 according to high upvote posts. Have not verified myseld. Cellphone is shitty.
They're following POTUS45, so, yes.
Biden POTUS account is a new account.
those arent even official accounts bro. Do some kind of vetting of your sources please. Any.
Here's your vetting: Of the following official Twitter accounts:
None are following @JoeBiden, and only the last two are following @POTUS.
I should have verified the accounts before posting. My mistake.
Edit - all but @deptofdefense are following @POTUS45