Why doesn’t the DS try to beat the Patriots to the punch and openly charge that Trump & the military are planning a coup that would remove Pedo Joe and his entire administration as well most of both Houses of Congress due to “false claims of election fraud “ and get their lackeys in the MSM to support them with a pack of lies? We know that they will resort to anything. They already impeached POTUS twice on the lies of a strong armed phone call with the Ukrainian government and that he instructed his followers to storm the Capitol. Q has told us several times that they project their own crimes on those they wish to bring down. They could also use this as a reason to try to remove any true patriots in the military. Discuss.
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That’s why I feel the Myanmar coup is staged for public viewing. The DS can spin how horrible things will get to create fear and more divide in the sleepyhead libs.
It also introduces the idea to the public. Pompeo tweeted about watching their election back in November. One hopes to assume people watched the US election even closer.
The video of the gal doing her dance exercise routine while the military took control behind her has been happening here in the USA since January 20th and most American's have been equally oblivious to it. We had 11 nights when the WH was dark, few noticed or asked why? We have seen similar black SUV's rolling in as well as prison buses lined up at night and only Q followers taking note of it. The prison fence line keeps expanding in DC and Most "Believe" that it was Ordered by the Dem's supposedly in charge-Have they Really? Why are the military branches NOT following their "Commander in Chief" on twitter? The signs of what just happened in Burma are in front of our eyes-Is Anyone REALLY paying attention or are we too busy dancing?