Nuns are dropping like flies from Covid : (
Looks like CLEAN UP OPERATIONS and tying up loose ends.
1St link, 7 nuns in Natal Africa, youngest 75. 2nd link, 9 out of 47 at a home for retired and infirm nuns. 3rd link, 5 nuns with dementia. Somehow, I think these are old feeble high risk patients, not sinister pedophiles being euthanized.
Then why are these stories picked up by the MSM?
Either the MSM is spreading FEAR or Catholic Nuns have information from their years in the adoption/orphan system.
I don't think you understand how human trafficking works.
Believe it or not, many nuns have nothing to do with orphans or adoption or anything outside their convent. And people with dementia don't have information of anything in their head any more. The MSM is spreading fear for sure: "Old ladies are dying! Prayer won't help!" MSM is probably chuckling at the death of the religious.
believe it or not... I have years of investigating the adoption and foster care system and without a doubt, Catholic nuns are implicated, heavily.
I know that, and that there is even worse. Just saying if you are such an expert then you should be fully qualified to produce some real evidence that these particular deaths you cite are involved in trafficking and not make wild generalizations that clusters of nursing home deaths are the revenge of the righteous.
I knew priests, bishops and cardinals were dying, but had no idea it was happening to nuns. I hate to think that they are involved with human trafficking. It makes me sick
MSM media is pushing it because everyone will think "OMG NOT THE POOR NUNS!!!".
MSM did the same thing making Mother Teresa look like the reincarnation of Jesus when it reality she was a fucking psychopath.