181 Amazing Video from MSNBC: Absolutely CRACKING under the weight of the truth. PANICked and terrified that NO ONE can see their alternate reality anymore. (youtu.be) ? DEM PANIC ? posted 4 years ago by ObviousStatementMan 4 years ago by ObviousStatementMan +182 / -1 82 comments share 82 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm so glad I watched to the end of the video. "There's a huge disconnect now between Washington and the rest of the country."
BOOM. ??
"It's just not penetrating out there"
-- Tara Palmeri on MSM's virus propaganda in Wyoming
HAHAHAHA .... Fuck yes ... this was the first thing I noticed too.
"BUT MUH COVID !!!!! ..." "These people believe the conspiracy theory !!!"
What a retard. Fuck she's hot tho.
Duh! lol