Billiard ball reference. I like it. Balls are round yes. The table is flat. our dimension is the table. Black holes are just signs of dense objects that fell through the table or stretched it. We do get to the table as we move further out into this, but Earth is round. Try to answer: The shadows at different points on the Earth at the same time, stretch in the manner they do on a round surface with a fixed light source. How can that be on a flat surface?
Smaller more localised sun could achieve the same effect on flat earth. Shadows experiment doesnt prove the earth is curved.
Im not gona get into the black holes thing, as they only exist on paper. You have to understand one thing, I do not subscribe to heliocentric model of the universe, you saying there is a black hole at the centre of the milkyway and we are moving to it, means nothing to me as I do not agree with it. The way we are taught that earth rotates around the axis, then flies around the sun, which hurls around the spiral arm of milky way is complete bullshit. If that were true, we would see 2 different sets of stars during winter nights and during summer nights as we would be looking at the opposite sides of the spiral arm.
Black holes. There are many. They are very dense matter that creates that effect. Everything is connected. We are given half the mathematical equation. Yes, black holes pull, but something pushes us or pulls us in the opposite direction. We are missing something. Polarity shifts on the Earth prove by core samples that the iron faces one way then the opposite at other layers. Electricity flows - to +. Many examples of misleading things accepted as fact due to ignorance or leaving out key details. Flat Earth is a distraction.
Yes there are core samples that show shifts from - to +, but we dont know why that is (best speculation by scientists is crust displacement) As for the black holes, they are the distraction. They are only mathematical equations, which have been stipulated to create something that doesnt exist. Dont try to explain to me what black holes are, I studied heliocentric model of the universe, I know how it works. It is a fable, to keep you locked on a "planet" which you cant leave without space ships...
Billiard ball reference. I like it. Balls are round yes. The table is flat. our dimension is the table. Black holes are just signs of dense objects that fell through the table or stretched it. We do get to the table as we move further out into this, but Earth is round. Try to answer: The shadows at different points on the Earth at the same time, stretch in the manner they do on a round surface with a fixed light source. How can that be on a flat surface?
Smaller more localised sun could achieve the same effect on flat earth. Shadows experiment doesnt prove the earth is curved.
Im not gona get into the black holes thing, as they only exist on paper. You have to understand one thing, I do not subscribe to heliocentric model of the universe, you saying there is a black hole at the centre of the milkyway and we are moving to it, means nothing to me as I do not agree with it. The way we are taught that earth rotates around the axis, then flies around the sun, which hurls around the spiral arm of milky way is complete bullshit. If that were true, we would see 2 different sets of stars during winter nights and during summer nights as we would be looking at the opposite sides of the spiral arm.
Black holes. There are many. They are very dense matter that creates that effect. Everything is connected. We are given half the mathematical equation. Yes, black holes pull, but something pushes us or pulls us in the opposite direction. We are missing something. Polarity shifts on the Earth prove by core samples that the iron faces one way then the opposite at other layers. Electricity flows - to +. Many examples of misleading things accepted as fact due to ignorance or leaving out key details. Flat Earth is a distraction.
Yes there are core samples that show shifts from - to +, but we dont know why that is (best speculation by scientists is crust displacement) As for the black holes, they are the distraction. They are only mathematical equations, which have been stipulated to create something that doesnt exist. Dont try to explain to me what black holes are, I studied heliocentric model of the universe, I know how it works. It is a fable, to keep you locked on a "planet" which you cant leave without space ships...
Black holes lead to quantum theory. Other dimensions. No room for other dimensions in flat Earth.