Well, Patriots, this seems to me to be a call for action.
I listened to the GA hearings. Even took notes that I shared on Voat GreatAwakening before they were shut down.
I'll copy them here as I think you now have to have an account to view searchvoat. Give me a bit and I'll edit here.
Well, Patriots, this seems to me to be a call for action. I listened to the GA hearings. Even took notes that I shared on Voat GreatAwakening before they were shut down. I'll copy them here as I think you now have to have an account to view searchvoat. Give me a bit and I'll edit here.
Too long to copy. Here's the link:
Pede, this is amazing! Are you able to email your findings to Kerry Browning at the 11Alive news desk? His contact info is: kbrowning@11alive.com Thanks so much! He was polite and professional and sincerely asked me for evidence of voter fraud! https://www.11alive.com/article/about-us/team-bios/kerry-browning/85-bb8fc82b-74d6-4c35-9009-92bbd0970189
You can even say you heard he is asking for evidence. Thanks!
Will do.
Many thanks!??????
See my 25 links added to Litehouse list below.