If a president having to present evidence of election fraud at an impeachment trial was the solution the team tasked with assuring a duly elected president could survive a fraudulent election came up with, that plan would fail if the president was not impeached, or was prevented access to the fraudulent election results, or did not have access to the reports generated after the inauguration, or was not allowed to present evidence to the senate, or chose not to present evidence to the senate (which could be because he did not want to usurp the authority granted others under the plan that the team came up with.) The plan this team came up with has to depend on people and agencies that continue to have authority, access to election information, and are protected by sufficient checks and balances that they will prevail in what they have responsibility for. We do not know these details, but we know and trust the man who signed EO13848, President Donald J. Trump.
Hold the line.
He doesn't have to present anything if you think about it because the impeachment is unconstitutional and therefore they have no jurisdiction.
I'd like to see him turn up with a Q T-shirt and a MAGA hat!
Here is the EO13848 in the Federal Register. It is no longer on the White House website. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sanctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election
Yes, he doesn't have to, BUT if you think about it he is still attempting to use every legal means at his disposal before using the LAST RESORT which is the military.
Obviously, Peach Mints 2.0 is a complete farce. This will be the world's biggest Kangaroo court-style hearing. They will NOT allow DJT any kind of fair and legal due process to even present any evidence other than what transpired on the 6th.
I try not to make too many predictions BUT I just can't see them allowing DJT to go there before the eyes of the world and spell out all the crimes these FKN bastards committed or conspired to commit or knowingly validated.
I'm with you on that! They are evil but they are not that stupid! They know this impeachment is a scam and they are not going to do this and allow DJT to hurt their plan in any way.
It would be great if he did. BUT, they will not allow the truth to get out..there will be some kind of block where PRESIDENT Trump won't get a chance to show all the evidence. DemoRATS don't want the sheep to get woke.
How else will the general public hear about the evidence of the fraud?
The left's main argument about the event at the Capital is that it was spurred on by Trump because his supporters were convinced of "false election narratives." If this is the main argument that the left has for the impeachment then it's pertinent to prove whether the narratives that allegedly contributed to the supposed riot were false.