183 A brief word about "Chemtrails," the utterly mentally-retarded conspiracy theory (that when you look up and see a contrail, that means that commercial planes are 'spraying' overhead), since it's been brought up: (greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by catsfive 4 years ago by catsfive +201 / -18 369 comments share 369 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Funny how "getting it all out of our system" would be an excellent explanation of what would put 99% in the hospital. Q topical.
Call it a hunch, but you're a mean drunk aren't you?
Can mods be banned for failing to be respectful? Your tone does more harm than you know.
Sticky this https://greatawakening.win/p/12hR2q8Rz2/my-response-to-mod-catsfives-che/ Then I'll believe this post was about having an honest discussion.
Streisand effect like a motherfucker.