Just had to pay 156,- to get a girl to fuck my nose deeply using a kilometer long cotton swab as I may not cross the frontier and visit my old mum otherwise. Fuck these times. Hear me, Q? I am ready!
Comments (12)
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I can't believe we blew through the entire election and we are still holding the line. This timeline sucks, but we're all in it together.
We've come too far to give up!!!!
Hey at least it wasn't the anal swab! We all are ready. Might not seem like it but we are winning each and every day and those wins are adding up , Q needs most of the public to wake up to make this happen otherwise it would just be like talking to someone you know that is asleep , it just wouldn't work . We are on our way! If we weren't winning this site wouldn't be here getting attacked constantly , hang in there !
You didn't opt for the Anal Swab?
move financial
Don’t user money you can’t afford to lose.
Element.io STC Capital Partners
move financial.
Financial Literacy - He loves this stuff and hates sophisticated wall street elites. He's for transparency and power to the little people.
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
move financial
The big financial folks aren’t having any fun anymore. The aluminum fund was "foiled."
Element.io STC Capital Partners.
move financial
Uncharted Territory. HODL.
Still holding the line. Trump won the election!
He still have all the love of the real American people and also abroad gents and ladies!