Lord Vestey Dead.2 hours ago, 79 multi billionaire, godfather to Harry and William, neighbour to Prince Charles and basically a member of the Royal Family.
No mention , his wife died a few weeks back at 71. Very active investing family , stock exchange, shipping and meat for more than 150 years
His family owned the meat packaging industry outside of the US. He’s a big fish and very close to the Royals.
>75 various world government politicians
>10 Vatican linked Cardinals
>Even one of the bigshot Rothschilds
>All kicked the bucket last month
In addition to lots of other foreign government resignations, I bet there's shenanegans going on that not even WE know about.
Lord Vestey Dead.2 hours ago, 79 multi billionaire, godfather to Harry and William, neighbour to Prince Charles and basically a member of the Royal Family.
Who/what is the cause of their death's
I HIGHLY doubt it's COVID19
No mention , his wife died a few weeks back at 71. Very active investing family , stock exchange, shipping and meat for more than 150 years His family owned the meat packaging industry outside of the US. He’s a big fish and very close to the Royals.
Abe Froman is ecstatic.