Some have called this the line in the sand. 1918 Russia Stalin confiscated fire arms 1938 Germany Hitler bans Jews from owning fire arms and working in the fire arms industry 1959 Cuba Castro used gun registration to confiscate fire arms. If this passes the best that can hqppen is some States will refuse to be complicit in this ending. And the great migration will begin for those who don't want to die alone.
In Australia, we lost our gun rights by means of a false flag shooting at Port Arthur in 1998. In 2019, we lost our rights to refuse a vaccination or any other medical procedure the state deems necessary 'for the greater good', so we have no rights over our bodies. NZ had their mosque false flag and lost their guns in 2019.
As expected, the Biden administration is taking the first steps towards communism: removal of free speech and removal of your right to defend yourself against a communist government. They don't need a false flag to do it, they can simply make it law then increase it every year, and anyone who defies it can be called a terrorist and hunted down by the military.
Well ammo is sold out everywhere and only ammo marked up 4-6x is available to buy right now. This is why they want to "drone strike" people. Because they know it would be marching to their own deaths to do what they want in an honorable fashion. Again, I'm just chilling at home. Want to do something stupid? Show up, I live around a few million crazy SOBs so yeah. Bombing us totes makes more sense if you're trying to do something stupid.
Some have called this the line in the sand. 1918 Russia Stalin confiscated fire arms 1938 Germany Hitler bans Jews from owning fire arms and working in the fire arms industry 1959 Cuba Castro used gun registration to confiscate fire arms. If this passes the best that can hqppen is some States will refuse to be complicit in this ending. And the great migration will begin for those who don't want to die alone.
In Australia, we lost our gun rights by means of a false flag shooting at Port Arthur in 1998. In 2019, we lost our rights to refuse a vaccination or any other medical procedure the state deems necessary 'for the greater good', so we have no rights over our bodies. NZ had their mosque false flag and lost their guns in 2019.
As expected, the Biden administration is taking the first steps towards communism: removal of free speech and removal of your right to defend yourself against a communist government. They don't need a false flag to do it, they can simply make it law then increase it every year, and anyone who defies it can be called a terrorist and hunted down by the military.
Well ammo is sold out everywhere and only ammo marked up 4-6x is available to buy right now. This is why they want to "drone strike" people. Because they know it would be marching to their own deaths to do what they want in an honorable fashion. Again, I'm just chilling at home. Want to do something stupid? Show up, I live around a few million crazy SOBs so yeah. Bombing us totes makes more sense if you're trying to do something stupid.