- Unexplained Resignations
- Rothschilds are panicking
- The term 'QANON' causing the deep state to shit themselves for seemingly no reason
- People being redpilled left and right
- Military dropping crumbs on Twitter (Calm before the storm and BOOM)
- And the impeachment trial is coming, which will provide us with a treasure trove of evidence.
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Uhhh no. There have THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Q hit pieces over the last 4 years. Hell they even framed us a few times. Hoover dam incident, crazy guy with a little Q written on his hand, recent Capitol bs, and I prolly others forgot.
The media mostly ignored Q for a long time. Then occasional hit pieces. The torrent of hit pieces only started recently.
There was a 20 min hit piece on discrediting Qanon on BBC News the other week so you know we have made the mainstream haha