Everyone who is not a Q follower is currently either a doomer or a leftard. Thats a lot of doomers out there. Try to comfort them. Let them know that everything is going to be alright. God wins.
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Funnily enough, bud. I didn't follow Q at all originally. I just supported Trump and watched his every move in the lead up to the election, election night, and the inauguration.
Everything about those events told me a whole lot of bullshit was happening and I trust Trump as having a plan.
The road just ended up here. Mostly because you guys here at greatawakening are the only ones who maintained the optimism apart from true maga / Trump supporters.
Sadly, we've learned many who claim to be true are willing to roll over at the first sign of "defeat".
I was not a Q follower but did follow the discussion and I was very hopeful up to the 20th. All the Q stuff and actions by Trump and others all seemed to point to something being planned to thwart the coup. I still have a small bit of hope but I don't discount the factor of time. There is not an unlimited amount of time to reverse this coup before it becomes to late to reverse and permanent damage is done. It would be absolutely ridiculous to find ourselves here for the inauguration of Harris in 2025 still waiting for the Plan to unfold. This time factor must be addressed by some of the Q followers.
Unless it's not what you think it is. Unless what you are seeing is not real. Remember "movie"
I encourage you to start digging. The more you know the more it all makes perfect sense. I am completely at peace.
If nothing else, this past year has burned into my mind that I can't accept anything at face value and to question everything. I agree that much of what is fed to us is mere propaganda. I won't lose all hope until March rolls around but we as a nation are daily being destroyed bit by bit.
For what it's worth, I agree with Pacrosby's assessment. There's only so much you as a regular person can "know" about these events. With everything seen, there should be enough there to give you confidence that something is amiss, something is going on, and that greater forces are at work.
The masquerade going on is to allow perceptive normalcy amongst those who aren't paying attention on the level that people here do. Forget all the troops in Washington and movie set white houses. What's more compelling is that Trump has been a ghost since inauguration day - normies think this means he's gone. But we've seen bits and pieces to know the "ghost" is actually very much alive and active - we just don't know what he's up to yet.
Too many on TD.win / Patriots just turned the election into Wrestlemania. Clarence Mode was gonna be activated, krakens would deal a clean deathblow, ACB checkmate, blah blah! Question any of it at your peril over there. So when the whole thing didn't end on Jan 19 with a nice big HBO style season finale - many became doomers (these were also the same asshats who'd tell you to "GeT oN dA TrUmP TraIN! DOOT! DOOT!" to any objective assessment).
It's sad because Q never said mass arrests would happen on the 20th. He never said ANYTHING would happen on the 20th. Q is getting undeserved hostility, but do you know who isn't getting undeserved hostility? All the datefaggers who said with complete confidence, for weeks, that something major would happen on the 20th. Those people give the Q movement a bad name and I have no sympathy for them if they are attacked by TD.win people and the like.
I'm not a Q follower but had to leave TDW/PW because it turned into nothing but doomer faggotry so I lurk in GAW to get my hopium fix
Well i have done my research. God wins. The american people win. Just have patience and try not to go crazy while waiting. Things have been picking up speed this week. Next week we might start hearing rumbles. And then its fireworks and hurricanes. Trump and the millitary HAVE NOT abandoned us.
Same here. Didn't know anything about Q before the election
Neither did I and I consider myself pretty informed. I knew about the Pedo stuff, but never realized how deep. I’ve learned so much about our nations history I never knew existed b/c I bought into all the school taught lessons. My kids are older now so I have more time to myself and not as busy. All I do now is research and Q has helped in that quest for knowledge. Now... WWG1WGA!!!
If you could in a moment describe your optimism to a . patriots person and not invoke God or a "plan" and just something intellectually digestible what would that read as?
I wouldn't say anything to convince him I'd just bet him $100 that the Biden administration will not be in the WH beyond July 2021... I have three $100 bets so far with family members who are Trumpers but insist on watching Faux News and NewsMarx as their primary source of info... seriously though, people need to start asking themselves questions about what Trump did before Jan 20th and what's happened since such as:
Why did Trump issue EO 13848 in 2018 a full 2 yrs prior to the 2020 election?
Why did Trump pump $3T into rebuilding the military after Obama decimated it?
Why did Trump pump $200M into expanding GITMO after Obama prepared to shut it down?
Why did Trump reinstate hanging, firing squad and the gas chamber as permissible forms of execution?
Why did Trump create Space Force?
Why is there a fence surrounding the Capitol and thousands of troops still in DC who will remain there until at least mid-March
Why were Biden and Harris escorted by an undecorated Marine during the inauguration?
Why was Biden's 21 gun salute given at Arlington Cemetery and in the format used for visiting foreign dignitaries?
Why wasn't Biden allowed to place the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? (he was only allowed to touch it)
Why did a significant number of NG turn their backs on Biden as he drove by and one NG was caught on video spitting to the ground as Biden drove by? (the NG had to pull his mask down to spit)
Unless people ask themselves the right questions and look for answers they'll believe whatever they're told by their favorite media outlet
Your doomer faggotry belongs in PW or better yet r\politics
Even if the plan turns out to be a fantasy or failure, that doesn't automatically make other matters raised by Q fantasies.
How about you answer those questions instead of ignoring them so you can hold onto your negativity
Even people like thomas Wictor, who despise q, think that something is going on. Everything was set up for something big to happen. The EOs, the NG, the un precedented air traffic, the FCC warnings about having to air the EBS, and all around weird shit. Even if you're not looking at all that through the lense of Q, it's easy to see that all the pieces are there, why would they not be used?
No, faithless people will struggle with this. God is involved and a plan.is being worked. You can't get any more intellectual than that. Sorry m8 4 years of what you seek and you still Haven't figured it out. You likely won't.
same hahaha
Yeah, the Q guidance has been invaluable. I wouldnt know the DEMS playbook, I would be in fear of the virus, I would have accepted the election result, I would have been angered by 6th January and I would have accepted the Biden Inaugeration as a sweet one take filmed exercise . . .
The knowledge I have gained makes me so much more energised compared to the f*ckers who have no idea what is happening and the pending water fall of alakablam that they are about to get thrown over . . .
I just wish I hadn't doomed so badly for those four or five days that the MSM projected defeat on to me . . .
Also a big shout out to the voices that can lift you back up through all this noise like LT from And We Know, SaltyCracker, LinWood, X22, AmazingPolly and a shit tonne of Pedes on here and gab.
Let's get ready for big finish and not worry about firmly setting the date.
It's happening and the longer it takes, the more people are waking up so less people to get hurt when it goes bang
You would be in fear of the virus if it weren't for Q? Bruh... it was obvious from the beginning that it was a farce.
I am grateful to have followed this movement because it contributed to rekindling my faith in God. If it weren't for His armor I may very well be a ball of fear and hate right now. May we have the strength to be kind.
We’d probably be in a revolution right now. Inside info woke us up further and reduced reactionary behavior. You’re so right!
IMO - It is even hard to believe now sometimes. We are living in unprecedented times, it having a Presidential election reversed is hard to believe. It is also hard to believe because the government has been obviously corrupt for so long, it’s hard to imagine that actually getting fixed. I pray everyday, and do believe, but it is hard. I also have a lot of empathy for Doomers. Match unbelief with depression and voila... (just saying so we continue to have empathy for those who are not there.
Judging by a lot of the threads and posts are from people very new to Q... say in the last 12 months....
And a good few of them don’t understand that no one can understand the majority of Q posts just by looking at the Post number on a Q aggregator website like Qanon.pub and all the others out there... don’t get me wrong they are good sites for reference but no one should try decodes or interpretations of those Q posts because so much context is lost... like surrounding Anon comments on the board itself at the time be it 4chan, 8chan or 8Kun, POTUS tweets, the MSM narrative of the day, or other news filtering out...
I would recommend that anyone who wants to cut to the chase, so to speak, should search for all the notables that are listed on the Boards and some aggregator sites.... Q told us we have more than we know but in saying that Q is not saying to just look at Q posts but also all the notables and comments from bakers that came from those Q posts... and when you start to look back you get a much better grasp of what Q is all about.... because so many lose so much of the information from reading only the Q posts on an aggregator site... so many guys are taking short cuts with trying to understand Q and it’s creating a false foundation to starting learning from..... it leads to opinions or information from tenuous sources and that then creates what has proved to be a forlorn hope for many here or on the DJT forum here on .win....
It’s a cycle of doom.... which is then quickly recognised and then taken up by the shills to let the snowball roll up hill....without anyone really noticing how a series of posts and/ or replies are manipulating the topic in question.... these are the covert shills, who are most certainly here within our ranks, they try to post like a genuine member here and when the opportunity arises they twist the conversation to redirect us in a slightly different direction...or even outright misinformation like pushing certain dates, or claiming certain deltas by just what is said in a Q post rather than showing the actual Q post is creating a delta... that may not be there though it’s enough to push a new date with a lot of people who then start increasing their expectations based on those very subtle and not so subtle misdirections....
That unfortunately just makes them madder, both the doomers and the leftards. ?
So what? I'm out of patience with both groups. They were lazy for 4 years. They will suffer until this is over. Those who believe see it now and have peace. Those who refuse.to, will be miserable until its over.
I’m pretty much with you on this, brother.
Hopefully anyone who studied the Bolsheviks realizes q "trust the plan" is the same as the " operation trust" tactic the commies used in that revolution 100 years ago. Wake up yourself, q ain't gonna wake you up, b he's gonna distract you back to sleep
What’s the current thinking about Q’s identity. Obviously Q is actually a representative of a larger group, but who was actually posting and where are they now?
The receive no comfort as they seek none
I came here after being on TDW too long, and listening to AJ just doom. MY friend sent me here and I started opening my eyes
I’m not smart enough to be the best QTard and this is just common sense to me for-crying-out-loud this kind of thinking that he would at this time say so, is well plain ol RETARDED
For sure...i think that was definitely part of Qs purpose, to not only keep us calm during this period, but comfort others
The calm before and during the storm
Wrong. Dooming = Faggot Energy. Don't have to follow Q to use common sense Trump still our president.
I'm not dooming because I've been aware since I was 15 and I follow GOD. GOD wins.
My husband has studied Q since the beginning. I am new to it but until he starts to doom, I am keeping the faith. Everytime I see something that stresses me, he just laughs and says trust the plan.
The vaccine passport is still a bit of a worry.....