Simon Parkes jumps from the Q train to the GME train
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He's a grifter and a LARP. Stop giving him views.
Don't know. I thought he was interesting.
Who gives a shit what that glowie alien fucker does?
"I sPoKe To Q oN dA TeLePhOnE duRrR"
I only care because he reaches a big audience.
Shame he didn’t throw himself under one....! Con man...!
That's a bit harsh.
Total phoney time waster.
I don't know. He's a weird one. But if you were trying to hide in plain sight, how would you present yourself. Yeah, probably something like him.
NOTHING he said has happened. All those "high up, undisclosed sources on unsecured 'phone lines". Total fake, just like cheerful Charlie. Possibly controlled opposition but I don't think they are even that, just self promoting fakes.
You guys are getting to sound like TDW. You guys are a bunch of armchair pundits
No, we are angry because grifters and conmen are being taken seriously, which in turn validates them, gives them exposure and allows more unsuspecting people to get taken in.
You obviously have a keen intellect and poor opinion of what others think and feel. Who says they’re grifters/conmen? Maybe you were taken in by Parkes, etc and that’s why you feel so strongly about it. Have you ever heard of projection? It’s what the dems have been doing for 4+ yrs, accusing others of things they have done. In these times and with so many ways of researching information, people need to be given the common courtesy of making up their minds without offering opinions. Requests for banning that is not based on horrific events that are crimes against humanity is censorship.
What's GME?
You haven't heard much about GameStock stocks and the hedge funds? Download and look for STC Capital Partners.
I know, I know. That was a dumb question. Wasn't thinking stock symbols when I asked it.
Not a dumb question. I've been so immersed, it didn't occur to me that other fine folks might be more sane!