Correct! It's for the normies and lefties.
They're being spoon-fed medicine from their own sources and it's slowly working.
So yes, the ending isn't for the redpilled/Trump supporters, it's for everyone else
Correct! It's for the normies and lefties.
They're being spoon-fed medicine from their own sources and it's slowly working.
So yes, the ending isn't for the redpilled/Trump supporters, it's for everyone else
Good take. I'll allow it as proof of hopium!
I think it means that not everyone will be able to accept that a small group of hybrid entities with reptilian dna and/or souls have controlled the Earth's population for generations. That they eat children and literally feed off our negative energies and fear. That nearly everything you have been told is a lie and you cannot trust even the medical system.
Well sure, that works too.
But that ending won't be for ANYONE tbh
Bet the earrh is a globe to you!
Hi, Lightworker15. Regarding the aliens:
The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.
The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.
For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:
On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.
Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.
Consult footnote 247 on pp. 103-104 of my following article regarding the globalist elite's New World Order alien deception agenda:
My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
ehhh teo is laughable
Devil spirits
Indeed, VetforTrump.
You gotta admit tho — props to them for avoiding spoilers. u/#clownworld
When you have already heard the ending watching the show should be fun.
I remember that quote from a qdrop. My fear is that it means they won't reveal anything about pizzagate, pedophilia, or the satanic cult. Rather, only the election fraud will be brought to light while everything else is buried. I also wonder if the resignations from all the executives is a deal that they won't bring to light all of the weird behaviors that they were involved in as long as they get cooperation.
Let's hope not. The truth should be available to anyone who wants to know about it - and even those who don't - so the world can learn from the it in order to avoid recurrence in the future.
You didn’t think Q highlighted Epstein for no reason, did you?
A deep dark world is being exposed