Racine, Wisconsin is the “root” and model for the real Agenda.
What happened at Cathage and Aztalan? Why did Dahmer attend vampire and cannibal clubs in Racine? What is “True Blood” and who is the star from Racine?
I did a deep dive into Racine. There was some disturbing stuff for sure. An inordinate amount of pedophilia for a mid-sized city. Alot of connections to some DS players. BUT I read threads from VOAT and Reddit and everyone connected every conspiracy to Racine -- even Kurt Cobaine and Courteney Love. I find that ridiculous.
Waiting for the "Ok yes, they rape, murder and eat children. But it's for the best! Something something global warming."
Do a YouTube search for "cannibalism" and look at how many positive pieces come up. They are trying to normalise it.
Racine, Wisconsin is the “root” and model for the real Agenda.
What happened at Cathage and Aztalan? Why did Dahmer attend vampire and cannibal clubs in Racine? What is “True Blood” and who is the star from Racine?
I did a deep dive into Racine. There was some disturbing stuff for sure. An inordinate amount of pedophilia for a mid-sized city. Alot of connections to some DS players. BUT I read threads from VOAT and Reddit and everyone connected every conspiracy to Racine -- even Kurt Cobaine and Courteney Love. I find that ridiculous.
Wait... Wut?...
WTF goes on in Racine, Wisconsin? Is it like a secret city for the Cabal?