Was listening to X22 Report this morning..
around the 40:30 mark.. he brings up a theory that they have no jurisdiction to impeach trump cause he is not a sitting president. Flynn said in the past that its unconstitutional for them to do this and he must still be the sitting president.. Then quotes and Ivan Raiklin post.. Which sounds interesting..
Then you also had the Time Magazine story and mentions of trump Forfeiting basically.
Makes it sound like in connection with the 11.3 theory of an enemy group in the capital.
Thoughts about this?
I think that, no matter how you slice things, there is absolutely no legal means to impeach trump. I can think of at least a few possible scenarios.
He’s not president, and cannot be impeached.
He is still president. That means that congress has no authority to impeach him, because they have no authority at all.
He’s no longer president, but he is still commander in chief. Thus, he retains military power but cannot legally be impeached.