Who will admit that the reason we humans have not traveled more than four hundred miles off the earth's surface in fifty years is that we have never had the ability to do so?
You and yours have been lied to since before you were born by these types. The current fake Presidency of Joe Biden is a Media Event very much like the fiction that was the Apollo Program.
Who will admit that the reason we humans have not traveled more than four hundred miles off the earth's surface in fifty years is that we have never had the ability to do so?
Bro they did not fake the moon landing stay on target.
You and yours have been lied to since before you were born by these types. The current fake Presidency of Joe Biden is a Media Event very much like the fiction that was the Apollo Program.
Go to the cape and watch a shuttle launch you fuckin idiot
They actually don't launch the shuttle anymore. The shuttle has been retired for a while now actually.