Just as we've seen several times, they arent going let anyone know when. Trump has said it. Flynn has said it. The trick is to confuse the enemy. So believe me. I wish i was wrong. I really do, but there's no way anything will happen during the superbowl. I know q posts have said shit about superbowl puppybowl, whatever. For optics and other reasons that we likely don't know of, it cant happen like that.
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I mean... not for nothing.. but hasn't there been a mass boycott of the NFL since 2017/2018? Now all of a sudden people seem to think everyone is going to be tuning in? Not likely. If something were to happen, no one is going to see it -- and everyone from GA tuning in to see a "happening" are literally going to be duped into watching it for ratings.
The Slooper Bowel gets a ton of international attention. That's why the numbers are in the stratosphere regardless of the ratings in the States.
I am not watching it and I don't think anything will happen.
I would love to see something happen that forces them to stop/cancel the game ... the NFL would lose a couple billion dollars if that happened.
Moreover, all of those eyes on the TV having to watch at least the "beginning" of some big announcement would be a very good thing. However, the instant things start going down, all of those eyeballs will find something to see what's going on ... you don't need a Shit Bowel TV game show to attract them to big breaking news. 9/11 is a perfect example.